A Few Questions....


New Member
What is the best controller to get if I mostly only play MW2 and GOW2? Also what separates Viking from its competitors? I am just asking because I am interested in buying a mod and have looked at every place, evil, gamemodz, etc, and this seems like the most legit place. So what should i get, and why should i get it? Also what headsets are best? I was looking to get the Turtlebeach X 11 but is their any other similarly priced headsets that are better than those out on the market?


New Member
1: The best controller to get is the Duo because it has nice features and has buttons to quickly change between rapid fire modes and different things. Second best is Thor's Hammer which is the one I'm getting which is basically the same but this one you change rapid fire modes with different button combonations such as A+Sync etc.
2: Viking stands out from other controller mod companies because of the high quality and because if a mod on a game gets patched, you can easily update the driver in your controller so you won't have to buy another rapid fire controller ever again.
3: Research around and see what controller works for you, if you are low on money buy the Tyr's Hand, if you have enough the Duo is probably the best one but the Thor's Hammer comes in second. Do some research and see what works for you, it won't take long at all to find your answer.
4: If you got the money I suggest the Turtle Beach X41's they are really good but I have X31's and they are close to the X41's but the X31's just have less features and stuff. Like I said before research around, it isn't that hard to find an answer.

I reccomend looking around the forum and youtube and stuff cause I only have this information from researching on my own. I don't even have one of the controllers yet but in a couple weeks I am buying one of the Thor's Hammer ones.