New Member
odingalt said:I think at most you can assign one tac switch per LED. If you assign Tac 1 and Tac 2 to LED1, and Tac 1's color is blue/on or off/off, And Tac 2's color is red/on or off/off, then what happens when Tac 1 and Tac 2 are both on? Purple? lol
Ok so if you can only assign one tac switch per LED then what is going to happen now when I get my controller? How will I know what modes are on even without the suggested changes? I was only suggesting that the tac switches colors would blink one after the other while they are activated to indicate which mode is on. So each mode would have a single color and share the player space with one other tac switch, and would then blink on/off. So the instance you described the LED1 would blink blue-red-blue-red etc when both are turned on. Does this make sense?