Acidmods back to school mod off


ModdingBros Representative
I really want to enter the mod off but i know i wont have enough time to finish my build between work and ordering my parts. I will post my finished product under bragging rights. Im going to build a external chip holder under the guide button using a 8 pin chip socket then im going to build an internal chip programmer that will work with pickit2 with a usb port in the controller shell. i will wire it to the #2 led so when u plug the usb drive in the led will light up show the pickit on. then im going to have 2 tact switches hooked to spdt switches and a spdt switch for the mod chip. the 3 switches functions will be switching from mod chips that are ether operated by stealth or tactical and the other two will function as turning mods on off then switched to a mimic dropshot and mimic jumpshot. I plan to have the chips operate on the topfire opensourse, hazers rapidfire rf and robbow 3 mode rf and jitter. Say im using topfire that operates by using two tactical switches, i will be able to choose the settings i want then hit the spdt switches that will de activate the mode setting then change the tact switches to work as a mimic dropshot or jumpshot on my two tact buttons. then i will be able to go to my computer and open my pickit 2 program and re program my chip to another opensourse code. the 3rd spdt switch will change the pin settings to work on a stealth setup or back to a tact setup. I found a real small pic programmer and a usb adapter that hooks to the iscp on the programmer that supports pickit 2. it will be a real tight squeeze but i think i can make it work. the 8 pin socket, i will wire to the programmer and all of the pin-outs on the controller board with all the resistors diods and spdt switch. In the end i hope to accomplish a controller were u can take a 8 pin mod chip and just set it in the top of the controller and play then when I get board ill walk to my computer and load another hex file onto that chip. I know its kinda dumb cause now days u can get chips like the ragnarok and program them easy but i just want to see if its possible to do all of this.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
:) I always love seeing what comes out of those contests. Thanks for posting the link.

modded matt

Active Member
your going to have some major issues here. Please keep us posted. just a question though, if yhe chip is easily swapable, why attempt to enbed the programmer.

I strongly recomend installing a ragnarock or legacy viking. You will be much happier with the usefulness of the mod if you do.

FYI I encourage people to think outside the box, and I compiled the best opensource list I posibly could, but I still recomend the viking over any other mod chip or combination of. The ragnarok has features none of the others do or can be replicated without writing code yourself.


ModdingBros Representative
ya i have two ragnarok controllers i just wanted to push myself and see what i could come up with. its more about me trying to do something i havent seen anyone else do. these opensourse codes i really dont have any need for i just wanted to do something different then anyone else. i was looking at the older mod offs and seen people doing coustom shells, led mods and internal rechargeable battery mods for there leds but what i wanted to go for was a controller that u just set almost any 8 pin chip in and play on the fly and have the option to be able to re program the chip in the controller and roll on. I know its totally outdated and mods now are easy to re-program i just wanted to do something completely out of the box thinking, something that separates my mod in a different category.


ModdingBros Representative
scratching this mod for a while im strapped in work now and i just ordered a macro controller so all my energy is going to go to creating my own macros!