AN 94 question..

the an 94 has a quick two round burst at the beginning of the fire seqeunce.. Is there a rf speed that you can use so it presses just enough to basically spam (for lack of better words) the first two rounds of that rifle? its a good ar but I think if you could spped all shots up to the speed of the first two shots then it would be a complete monster


New Member
I'm waiting for my controller to arrive here though but I'll try to help you.

Basically you could try to set the shots per second so high that it bypasses the regular firing rate so that it will look like its firing like the first 2 bullets. However i think (correct me if i'm wrong) that jitter is patched on bo2 just like on mw3. That means that you will have to be able to see the animations what reduces the rapid fire on full auto guns.

But anyway just like I said in the beginning just try to set a insane speed and look what happens. (you'll probably gonna get a heavy recoil though)


the an 94 has a quick two round burst at the beginning of the fire seqeunce.. Is there a rf speed that you can use so it presses just enough to basically spam (for lack of better words) the first two rounds of that rifle? its a good ar but I think if you could spped all shots up to the speed of the first two shots then it would be a complete monster

First off what game are you using the this for? I only play BF3 and I use the an94 alot so maybe I can help out a bit? Let me know man.


ModdingBros Representative
Topfisticuffs there is a glich that takes advantage of this rate of fire you speak of for BO2. Unfortunitly the macro is the only controller capible of making this mod. The xbox ragnarok firmware V1.3 auto sprint did work for this mod but the newer V1.5 the auto sprint was re-edited and dosent work with the glitch anymore. How this all works is u assign the HAMR scope. when u fire the weapon if u toggle between aims by pressing the LS over and over the gun will fire at full RPM speed making the AN-94 fire ultra fast. I cant speak for the ps3 firmware because i dont know if it will work but like i said the old V1.3 software for the Xbox would let u take advantage of this glitch. It gets annoying though trying to hit a moving target when the scope zooms in and out. U can also use a fast YY jitter to make it fire real fast but its higly innacurate. It will register the first two bullet speeds over and over making for a fast rate of fire but u couldent hit the broad side of a barn from ten feet away. So u might try to see if the PS3 ragnaroks auto sprint will make the HAMR scope zoom in and out when u hold the LT. If it does u can use it to make the AN-94 fire super fast. Or if your good enough you can manually hit LS while fireing to achive this glitch.
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ok that's cool and since that only works on macro is there a way to use the macro to its full capabilities on the ps3 I want to buy the remote but I don't want to get a new Xbox lol does the Cronus x thing allow you to do that? or would it be a waste to buy the macro and get that? ? and yea sorry its bops2


ModdingBros Representative
ok that's cool and since that only works on macro is there a way to use the macro to its full capabilities on the ps3 I want to buy the remote but I don't want to get a new Xbox lol does the Cronus x thing allow you to do that? or would it be a waste to buy the macro and get that? ? and yea sorry its bops2
Yes and if u dont care for the extra mods the cornus x has u can just get the cornus and save 40$u just make sure to get the wireless adapter with it. Its an extra 9.99$. If u get the cornus x there are mod packs. Just get the mod pack u want. They have BO2 mod pack the cod mod pack id stongly advise that mod pack more mods for more cod titles. U can imagine find it at
awesome well I think that's what I may do then I just got my raganarock not too long ago but that macro controller is awesome pluses it wont hurt to have both.thanks for the info because with the new box coming out soon I assume o didn't want to buy a new one just to use till summer