ANNOUNCEMENT: ModdingBros sticky has been officially updated!


ModdingBros Representative
Check out our ModdingBros sticky thread. I created a media-fire account and i just posted all of our Black Ops 2 finalized macros in one media file. Now u don't have to spam all over the forums wondering if u got all the updated finalized macros. I just want to thank everyone for all your support and your feedback that helped us make all these wonderful macros to share amongst the community. U can find my media file in the thread call ModdingBros finalized macros for BO2! Again thanks everyone sincerely, WHITE 4ND N3RDY a.k.a Brian!
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ModdingBros Representative
I need some feedback please. Go to ModdingBros sticky thread and please tell me if u have any problems downloading my finalized macros that i listed in my media-fire folder. It has all ModdingBros finalized macros for BO2 all in one folder. Its toward the bottom of the first page in our sticky thread and the title of the thread where the folder is heldin is called ModdingBros finalized macros for BO2. Please let me know if u had any problem loading my file. IM not very computer savy so i need to know if people are getting my macros. Thanks.


ModdingBros Representative
Yes thank u im glade to hear that. I have such a hard time when it comes to doing stuff like this i just go by gut instinct and i know nothing about computers but when i put my mind to something i find i can 90% of the time figure it out. Glade to hear that. Ya there is 44 macros i believe but like 20 of them are turbo knives being that this game is so tenacious when it comes to repetitive knifing with it being different in classes of weapons that are used then another category for what perks u use then there are two different methods of knifing being LB method and RB method then when u mix different play setups like tactical and default u have to make two whole sets around those two play styles. Lets just say pain in the ***. Anyway now no matter whatever combination u pick i got it covered with the turbo knifes. Im very proud of my macros and i want everyone to have what i have so i love the fact that everyone can get all of these in one place now.
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ModdingBros Representative
Please feel free to post any commits, questions, ideas of macros or even VKS files u want made to fit your play style to me in our ModdingBros thread! Again please keep any commits or questions about ModdingBros BO2 macros in our thread! I look forward to any new ideas, commits or questions u have that u want answers to, thanks everyone. Sincerely WHITE 4ND N3RDY a.k.a Brian!


ModdingBros Representative
Nope havent got that far, was thinking maby some quick reloads then maybe QS. I dont know how accurate they will be in this game?


ModdingBros Representative
OK I will work on quick reloads and i will post them as a beta because i have to test them in a local match not online so the timing can be off. Ill have to make 3 for each gun because of the different perk settings in the game(fast hands and quick mags). It will be up you the community to tell me how they work online. Im not full prestige so i dont have all weapons unlocked yet so ill have to test them in local and ive noticed that it can make a macro work different. So just keep looking in our ModdingBros thread for new beta fast reloads and feel free to post the weapons u want done so i can take care of them as what weapons will be top priority as most used weapons.


Can you tell me what you added besides Jitter and Turbo Knives? For one, I don't use turbo knives or knife at all really, but maybe I should add them to my macro set for the people who do.

Also: Have you updated your Zombies auto aim?


ModdingBros Representative
No i cant update zombie aim its as fast as the software can go and from what ive seen other u tube from other companys mine is the same as theirs. Its as good as it will get bud. I and have akimbo autos and all in one tac Rf aim drops and secondary repeditive kifes and ls rs cancelers. Soon there will be cast reloads.
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ModdingBros Representative
Hey everyone I just finished my fast reloads macros for BO2. These are betas till U guys test them online and tell me if there are any bugs. After U guys report back to me what works and doesn't work I will update them and add them to my finalized macro file in ModdingBros sticky thread. U can find my beta fast reloads in ModdingBros sticky thread on pg.3 8 threads down. Test them all out and let me know what works and doesn't work so I can finalize these macros, thanks. Sincerly, brian.


ModdingBros Representative
Please try out the fast reloads and post how they work in this thread. I would like to get them finalized as quick as possible. I might try some QS real soon and a repetitive turbo riot. So check these out and the sooner u do the sooner ill start on new projects!


ModdingBros Representative
Hey everyone Im sure u all know who i am its brian just merged my account cause i felt there was to much personal info on my other account. If u noticed My title has changed and I'm going to keep it like this for a while. Its shows that I'm not a member of ModdingBros anymore but this is just because that info was lost in the account switch. I want everyone to know I'm still a member of ModdingBros and MJ23KB24 has put his faith in me to take care of all ModdingBros macros and support with the community. He will be absent for some time (I don't Know how long) and MJ is a very brilliant busy young man and has done sooo much for the community in the past year and a half so I will try my best to carry out the ModdingBros name as he did to represent the stranderds of nothing but the best quality macros and best support to the people who need it most. I will help anyone out and never turn my back on anyone but please do not PM me anymore. Just post in the threads and when i get time to read your post i will help u out to the best of my abilities. I am still very much a part of ModdingBros so I just want u all to know this and after things die down I will re establish My titles as ModdingBros and useful poster. Right now I just want to stay under the radar and be more like a ghost poster so I can retain my privacy until the forums slow down again. Right now its to much for me to handle by myself and i will still help people out just going to do it on my own time to retain my sanity thanks. Sincerly brian a.k.a WHITE 4ND N3RDY, ModdingBros representative!