Annoying melee issue


Active Member
Not sure if this a problem or not.....playing halo4,when I fire using RT ( rapid fire on ) the action will suddenly be interupted by melee, which is right stick press...any


ModdingBros Representative
Not sure if this a problem or not.....playing halo4,when I fire using RT ( rapid fire on ) the action will suddenly be interupted by melee, which is right stick press...any
I know it probley sucks to use but i can only think of the RS cancler i made. U will just have to melee every time right when u re spawn. U can use it with a tac for on off toggle as well, it helps to draw an led light the length of the RS so u know when its on/off. There is still the issue of the knifing when u re spawn but might be a little better than the alliterative. I wish I could help u out more but thats the best I can come up with. Your pal brian.
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Active Member
Hi Brian....I have used the RS canceler and used a tac switch instead, but it still happens either way...only seems to happen when using RT rapid fire.....


Active Member
Bye the older macro controller does NOT do it....just used it for an hour and it didn't happen once.....even more odd !!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
That's bizarre since the right trigger connection is not anywhere near the rsc (right stick center) or B button connections. Meaning I usually guess there is a short circuit between buttons when this kind of thing happens, but I'm not exactly sure how that's possible in this case.

Have you tried the old tried-and-true method of fixing problems -- fresh AA alkalines and turning off all the mods to see if it still does the problem?


Active Member
I use to have this same problem and my fix was to change the button layout under the game settings.....