anyone can help

v freas 13

New Member
hi i have had the tyrs hand for about 3 months and i have had problems with it as u can see in some of my forum posts but this time is the player 4 LED it has stopped working and like the rapid fire still works thought any help? 1 more thing when my battery bar goes down one bar the rapid fire will stop working and i will need to get new batteries if i wanna use the rapid fire so if there are any1 who could help me i would appreciate it thanx


Well-Known Member
Staff member
player4 stopped working like it burned out, or like player4 stopped working in that when you tap the sync button, the mod doesn't change to the next mode?

Please tell me you did not flash it with a .hex file from the customization software that specifically says it's only compatible wtih the Hammer and Raven and NOT the Tyr's Hand...