
Xx Binno xX

New Member
I'm not sure if anyone around here watches my YouTube videos on the Viking legacy controller(I'm hoping to get a macro controller),I always get comments saying Viking sucks or why do you have a Viking they blow. An I really don't understand how they have a opinion on Viking if they have never used a Viking controller. It just puzzles me, I cant say the other company controllers suck but I would love to compare a macro controller to any other mod out there.


New Member
Because they're either other modshop's fanboys or they're just against mods in general.

Other modshop's fanboys can't stand ANY critisism of their mod or stand seeing another mod better than theirs, they want to think they have the best.

And people against mods usually get really uptight and say all mods suck.

OR they're just trolls :D


New Member
Most think that viking is far to expensive for a controller, either they just don't understand or are too broke. Or like wetter said you get fanboys and peeps who look at it as cheating.


Active Member
All of the above are good responses ^.

Btw, when you use jitter, don't use a third weapon (Gold Deagle). It won't work right.


New Member
The two most silly things about other controllers is that they always say "my controller is STEALTH, I bet yours isnt" or "Mines a 5 mode, mines better than yours" when viking has unlimited modes and is fully programmable and the fact that there is no such thing as " Stealth".


Active Member
WetterThanWater said:
The two most silly things about other controllers is that they always say "my controller is STEALTH, I bet yours isnt" or "Mines a 5 mode, mines better than yours" when viking has unlimited modes and is fully programmable and the fact that there is no such thing as " Stealth".

Very true.

Xx Binno xX

New Member
Good thoughts on the fanboy or other mod shops. modded controllers are legal so it wouldn't matter if they are "stealth" as people might say. I had made a video on cod 4 for my channel but for some reason when i go to edit the video with windows movie player it says the file is corrupt so i haven't been putting out videos :(. I need to learn how to use Sony Vegas or abode after effects.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I have typically found that the people trashtalking the Viking are actually staff of the competition. They have always had the business model of selling low-end products and using advertising to ensnare customers. So rather than spending R&D time to fix their lousy product, they spend more money on advertising - or in this case, counter-advertising where they troll for any videos, forums, or social sites that talk about Viking to spread bad word about us. :x

And of course there are some fanboys and trolls. But really, a fair share of our bad PR comes from the competition. Now, I have been known to trash the competition, but it's always a more educated post than "you suck!". I always have good reason to trash talk. :)