Berserker on 3rd Party Dongle Question


New Member
Hey odingalt, since the PS4 Berserker seems unattainable for me or anyone at the moment. Would you think there would be any issues using the Xbox One Berserker on my PS4 using the cronus max dongle?
I wouldn't use any of the Cronus max features other than letting the xbox one controller work and then use the Berserker functions for my PS4.

Based on what I've read there shouldn't be an issue, but I figure asking you would be wise before I make a purchase.



Staff member
We have no idea if it will work and we will not guarantee that it will. There are reports of people doing this with the 360 to the One, but as far as we know none of our customers have tried to use the Berserker on the PS4.

The PS4 Berserker is still on the books to be made; it's not completely out of the question, but we are looking at sometime mid this fall at the soonest before it comes out.