Berserker vs Ragnarok for newbs


Hello all, would like to know the advantage of the Berserker versus the Ragnarok for the XB1/PS4 for an old man with poor eyesight. :)

I purchased a Ragnarok Xbox 360 controller in 2012 and I have been VERY happy with it. I really like the ability to use the modded controller software to change my settings. From what I have read, there will be no controllers of this type for the new consoles. I hate that.

Now, here's my life. I am 55 years old, I have a crappy 3.0 Mbps DSL internet (the only thing available at my location). That really sucks.

I enjoy the FPS games especially the CODs. I currently only use rapid fire that I have adjusted to my liking for a certain weapon. And I still finish near the bottom of every game.

I currently own a PS4 but will have an XBOX1 before the end of the year.

I am positive my k/d ratio across all the versions of COD is less than 0.35

Would I benefit getting a Berserker or would a Ragnarok suit my needs? I see there is something about paddles and such on the zerker, do you have to use those or can you program the "normal" buttons to do
what you want them to? It appears that the Berserker would give me much more options.

I wonder if getting a Berserker would really help me that much.......

Any help appreciated,

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Active Member
Hi Snuffy (love the name btw)
I am a 63yr old gaming fanatic, I have used multiple modded controllers, none of which were any good at all, I have never had a rag version so cannot compare, but, I have quite a few Viking controllers for 360 and xb1, including several berserkers, the "zerker" is the best controller I have ever used, yes, getting the hang of the programming is a little confusing initially, but is great and easy when you do. My Kd on bf4 was above 2.1, destiny is 1.11 in pvp, due to the berserker's extra abilities. Highly recommend the berserker, not only will it help to improve your kd, but will make gaming generally a much less stressful experience, allowing "fun" to be had as well as success. Hope this helps and look forward to welcoming you to the berserker family.


Thanks Jim for the reply, it seems you have invested a great deal of money in controllers!!
I want to get the best controller for my PS4 , and later in the year XBOX One, and buy once, and be done with it.
It seems that the Viking Berserker controller will not have any settings programmed into it upon purchase. I would like to be able to use it asap after getting it out of the box, and then playing with the
programming later. But the Viking Forge? will have other gamers programs who they have graciously shared for others to use. And I guess I will be granted access to the Forge after I buy a controller?

One other question about the XBOX One they have replaceable batteries like the 360 or batteries like the PS4 controllers?



Well-Known Member
Yes they have regular batteries or rechargeable pack battery you can put in. You can't go wrong getting the berserker specially when things go out of date with other modded controllers and you can make a your own rune to update to all the goodies in the game or someone can make it for you to share.


Active Member
As Bone says, batteries like the 360 version, a recharge pack was included with my berserker.

Re the forge, yes, you get immediate access upon purchase, in fact, I believe you have an access pass sent to you as soon as the order is completed, giving you a chance to look at and study it, and even prepare a runepack ready to install, or, perhaps you could send a special request (via support ticket) when you order, asking the Viking team to install the rune set/sets that you would use, Bonefisher has a VERY good COD rune set in the forge, not sure if Viking would oblige you, but no harm in asking.

Have no fears as far as the berserker programming, this forum is THE best there is, help with anything and everything is at hand, Bonefisher particularly, I am remiss in not thanking him enough for what he does on here, THANKS BONEFISHER ......


Staff member
The Berserkers we send out now include a "standard" dual trigger rapidfire mod on them like the 360 Macros do, but if there is a pack in the Forge that you would rather have installed before we send it out we are happy to do so; you just need to let us know which one you would like. The login is linked to you and your controller, so it must be built before we can send you the information.


While waiting for the PS4 Berserkers to go green, I was hoping someone can tell me about the Berserker/Macro controllers, and how to program them. Can they be programmed to change "rapid fire shots per second" with one button press while in-game? I want the controller to say, fire at 11.7 SPS then when I switch guns, or if I switch loadouts,.. hit a button and change the SPS to 6.5, then back to 11.7 or even 972.87719;) (I'm just saying:)) all while in the game on the fly. And if I switch to a anti aircraft weapon, turn off RF for that weapon then when I switch back to my main gun and have RF back on.

I love my old 360 USB Ragnorak, but I wish I could change settings faster, and not have to scroll all the way through the other settings to get back to my desired SPS.


Well-Known Member
You can switch quick back and fourth between two rapid fires... or say primary weapon is an auto needing anti-recoil then switch to a secondary rapid fire with anti-recoil. Then on the fly if you make another page with your anti aircraft weapons you can switch back and fourth doing that if you want. Or place whole bunch of rapid fire on one page which holds 10 per group and scroll through them. Also holds 10 pages to do what ever you want and scroll through them.

You can custom make rapid fire to whatever speeds......


After reading about the stick drift on the XB1 controllers, I'm leery of dropping 2 and a half on a device that may not even last a year. I am getting a XB1 console next month, and was thinking of getting a Berserker for it along with the PS4.

Now I don't know.


Well-Known Member
I think the stick drift controllers from Xbox are pretty much winged out... believe the issue was with the first bunch. Haven't had any problem with the one I'm running now.