Best MW2 Class with a MOD?


New Member
When there is nothing else to use in mode 2, I always use dropshot. Since I have slight of hand pro on so I can aim down the site and jitter, there's no need for fast reload, or perfect quickscope. So the only other logic is dropshot mode :p And it's nice and easy with the Odin's Raven, just tap the right tac switch and plop, you're on the ground :p


New Member
Im good with all guns , but right now . UMP45 sepresser-reddot spaz-12 grip FMJ Perks bling stopingpower or lightwait - ninja pro moderdom mod thors hammer costom speed 11.20 or 12.00 mode 1- quickreload ump45 mode 2


Mode:1 27.40 Rapid Fire

Guns: Fal:Holographic (Red Tiger is smexi :D )
M9: Extended Mags

Perks: Sleight of Hand Pro
Cold Blooded Pro
Ninja Pro ( 41x Beaches Rock )

Mode:1 27.40 Rapid Fire
Mode:2 M21 Fast Reload

Guns: M21 EBR: Extended Mags :lol: (Red Tiger)
Usp .45: Silenced

Perks: Scavenger Pro
Cold Blooded Pro
Ninja Pro


The FAL rapes with holo/silencer, the glitch on the holo completely negates the silencer's range loss. I've been using it without a mod and destroying.
Mods: Rapid Fire 50 sps & Custom Fast Reload

Primary: M16 w/ Holo (Blue Tiger)
Secondary: Striker w/ Grip
Equipment: Semtex & Flash Bang
Perk1: Sleight of Hand Pro
Perk2: Stopping Power Pro
Perk3: Ninja Pro
Death Streak: Pain Killer
Kill Streaks: Predator, Harriers, Choppa

M16 with Holo for the accuracy boost of course the rapid fire takes the repetive-ness of having to press the right trigger so I can just focus on aiming, the fast reload glitch paired with sleight of hand makes my reloads twice as fast than sleight of hand alone. The M16 already has a quick raise and drop time and sleight of hand only makes it faster, which comes in handy when confronted in a sudden close quarter combat with an opponent with a SMG improving the chances of pulling off a kill! Stopping power for 1 burst kills, Ninja for avoiding heart beat sensor detection and silent footsteps. The striker also benefits from rapid fire and the grip reduces the recoil, great for clearing rooms and firing from the hip doesn't give the opponent a chance to take a shot! Now the Famas has been said to be superior to the M16 due to the fact that it was more accurate and because it retained it's higher damage base at longer distances than the M16! There's no questions asked that the Holo greatly improves the M16's accuracy to those of the Famas if not better but does it help the M16 retain it's higher damage base at further distances like the Famas??? I personally feel that it does, just wanted to know the actual statistics on this or your opinions! Thanks

Xx Binno xX

New Member
Primary- Fal Silenced or Holographic
Secondary- M9 extended mag
Equipment- semtex& flash bang
Perk scavenger
Perk2 stopping power
Perk3 ninja
led4- mode 1 27.40sps
led3- mode 1 quick scope mod
I've gotten 3 nukes using this class 2 of the nukes was 2 games in a row lol.
This is a great class for scap yard and rust.(maps i got my nuke on) and this was the first time using this class with that mod.
Hey XxbinnoxX does the quick scope mod benefit the class you just posted? If it does how so? Or do you have it set for another class? I'm not too familiar with the quick scope if you could enlighten me that would be great thanks!

Xx Binno xX

New Member
It works well when im using my intervention with m9 extended mag because i have both modes on and i have steady aim so i dont have to aim when i switch and i dont have to turn my quick scope mod off or change modes. they are both on when i use this class. It doesn't really help when i use the fal class i just told them what modes i have on the tact switches.
primary-intervention FMJ
secondary-m9 extended mag
equipment- claymore & smoke
perk- slight of hand
perk2- stopping power
perk3- steady aim
XxbinnoxX said:
It works well when im using my intervention with m9 extended mag because i have both modes on and i have steady aim so i dont have to aim when i switch and i dont have to turn my quick scope mod off or change modes. they are both on when i use this class. It doesn't really help when i use the fal class i just told them what modes i have on the tact switches.
primary-intervention FMJ
secondary-m9 extended mag
equipment- claymore & smoke
perk- slight of hand
perk2- stopping power
perk3- steady aim

Ohhh okay! I was a little confused, I thought maybe the quipe scope would reduce the raise time to bring up the Fal for faster aiming or something lol thanks for the clear up!


New Member
hey guys... I use:

snd class:
fal Bling with holo and fmj
usp akimbo with akimbo mode on.
stoping power
some may think that its overkill to have fmj and stopping power on a modded fal but in snd you want to kill as fast as possible. plus i hip fire a lot at close range so it helps in those situations also.

Im also using the 27.4 custom speed and I was wondering about the lag... if I get into a lobby that dosent have the greatest connection my mod lags pretty bad... should I use 13.2 instead... I know thats half the speed but I was thinking it may cut out some of the lag issues... any input would be cool.


Active Member
mavic said:
hey guys... I use:

snd class:
fal Bling with holo and fmj
usp akimbo with akimbo mode on.
stoping power
some may think that its overkill to have fmj and stopping power on a modded fal but in snd you want to kill as fast as possible. plus i hip fire a lot at close range so it helps in those situations also.

Im also using the 27.4 custom speed and I was wondering about the lag... if I get into a lobby that dosent have the greatest connection my mod lags pretty bad... should I use 13.2 instead... I know thats half the speed but I was thinking it may cut out some of the lag issues... any input would be cool.
its 13.8 and no it will lag even more