BF 3 & The Ragnarok Controller


PS3 Ragnarok Controller pretty much useless now for BF3???

So they finally released the big patch 1.04 for BF3, and letme tell you that they have changed all the weapons!!! There is so much recoilon every weapon that you just can’t use the rapid fire for anything even if youdon’t use the mods all the guns have so much recoil on them. I have tried allthe assault class guns and the only two that kind of work are the M416, M16A4,they are the ones that have the least amount of recoil on them. I have triedthem at 6.0,6.2,6.4,6.5,6.9,sps, those are the best speeds that I have noticedthat have the least amount of recoil. Well I will try some other weapons andkeep you guys posted. It kinda sucks because before the patch you could prettymuch use any gun with rapid fire, you just had to figure it out the sps onthem. If you guys do have some advice for other BF3 players post something up,let’s try to help each other out.


Try a sniper rifle with the ACOG. I haven't played since the update, but I was loving a semi sniper rifle with an ACOG before. Up close you can RF them, and from further you can tap it for a single shot.

xKiLLa CaM

Useful Poster
If all the guns have a lot of recoil on them now, I think making the SPS fairly low would reduce it greatly but you'd obviously sacrifice rate of fire.


Pretty much man, i have tried all the guns and no matter and what speed you use them at, they have a **** load of recoil! It's not the controller its the game, the new patch really messed things up. I am trying all kinds of speed on diffrent guns but have noticed that on the M16a4, and the AEK71, around sps 9.0 too 9.5 it kinda works but you have to really get use to the amount of recoil on the guns. F@#$%^ EA and dice had to mess up a game more then it was!!!


Well today was my day off so I decided to figure out all thesps for bf3 on all the guns that are very popular for this game. Before the newpatch for BF 3 came out I was able to handle all the guns really good, had noissues at all. But then the new 1.04 patch came out, at first I thought that maybe OD didsomething for the BF 3 players that use this controller for this game, it was kindof working, but as I played more and more the guns were just awful, so muchrecoil, whole clips to kill people, etc., etc. No mind you it is not the controller;it is the new patch for bf 3 that has pretty much made this controller uselessfor this game. Before the 1.04 patch you were able to use this controller forany gun, all you had to do was figure out the sps for the gun you were using,and it worked perfectly. There are two mods that use to work really good forthis game and that was rapid fire, and burst mode for your sniper rifles, otherthan those two that was it.
I really think that this is the best controller out there onthe market but it is really made for COD games, since they are not thatrealistic as BF3, in my opinion. I hope that they fix BF 3 and go back to theway the guns were before this new patch, but we will see and hope I guess. I amwriting this so people that want to use this controller for BF 3, have at leasta warning that it really does not work for this game at the moment. Odingalt Ihope you do not take offence to my opinion but you should really think aboutnot advertising this controller for this game, because at the moment it doesnot work. If you want to take a look at the forums on the BF 3 web site, so youcan see for you self about all the issues the new patch has done to the game.
Like I said before THIS IS THE BEST CONTROLLER ON THE MARKETOUT THERE, but mainly for COD games and yes it works with other games too, butsince MW3 & BF3 are the hot shooting games out there right now, that’s whatpeople will want to use this controller for.


New Member
I'm not a fan of camping with the sniper rifles (too slow for my liking) and i always double tap so dont bother with burst fire modes, hence I have no real need for rapid fire. However after reading that the Khaybar was the best gun for assault class I busted it out discovering it uses 2 shot burst fire, i combined this with rapid fire on default mode 1 and started ripping **** up, should probably dial it in but hey if it aint broke why fix it. My new favorite weapon. So it's not all doom and gloom for people wanting to use this with bf3 ps3, works with pistols too right? And i hear drop shot works in tactical mode, im an old dog so not fond of learning new tricks, so i stick with default should probably make the effort. Have you tried this out with all the guns Jimmy? You missed this one, it works a charm. There is also the new premium weapons?


New Member
I'm not a fan of camping with the sniper rifles (too slow for my liking) and i always double tap so dont bother with burst fire modes, hence I have no real need for rapid fire. However after reading that the Khaybar was the best gun for assault class I busted it out discovering it uses 2 shot burst fire, i combined this with rapid fire on default mode 1 and started ripping **** up, should probably dial it in but hey if it aint broke why fix it. My new favorite weapon. So it's not all doom and gloom for people wanting to use this with bf3 ps3, works with pistols too right? And i hear drop shot works in tactical mode, im an old dog so not fond of learning new tricks, so i stick with default should probably make the effort. Have you tried this out with all the guns Jimmy? You missed this one, it works a charm. There is also the new premium weapons?

I've been playing BF3 for about a week now. I have not been doing well at all. I have mostly been using the AN-94 on single shot and alternating my rapid fire modes. You mention using the Khaybar on two shot burst with the rapid fire. Should I be using two shot vice one shot with rapid fire? (I have a Ragnarok). Also, I cannot find a Khaybar in my inventory anywhere. What class is it used in? You mention using drop shot with the tactical setting. I don't believe there is a tactical setting in BF3. Could you tell me what your setup is? Thanks.

Any and all suggestions will be welcome. Thank you.