

New Member
a42ozslushie said:
Hey everyone today is my 15th birthday. If you wanted to be nice and help me pay off my HD PVR that would be very nice.
lol sorry you couldn't get the HD PVR working.
BTW how do you do black when you mod your GamerTag? I dont know which numbers stand for what color.


New Member
i thought ^6 was neon purpel. I already have some funny ones on my xbox, heres a list:
[X][Y] V 360(red) Ace(green)
USMC!! (rainbow) (stands for U suck my C**k not USmarinecorps)
[Y]1600 4 10th[Y](yellow) (red)
Press [X] 4 sex (blue)
[A][Y] Jeebus x (blue)
Infinity Ward (green)
(a bunch of right thumbsticks and left thumbsticks that go off screen.)
F**K (blue)



Itz CHARLEY said:
i thought ^6 was neon purpel. I already have some funny ones on my xbox, heres a list:
[X][Y] V 360(red) Ace(green)
USMC!! (rainbow) (stands for U suck my C**k not USmarinecorps)
[Y]1600 4 10th[Y](yellow) (red)
Press [X] 4 sex (blue)
[A][Y] Jeebus x (blue)
Infinity Ward (green)
(a bunch of right thumbsticks and left thumbsticks that go off screen.)
F**K (blue)


I had mine as:

Press[Dpad Up][a] For 10th



New Member
I bought the Hauppauge HD PVR and it was $200. It works like a charm but for some reason it shows all reverse colors and then when I put it in Sony Vegas the colors are fixed lol. I think over time it will be worth the money once I get some montages made. Also, the files are huge and like 10 minutes is 1gig!

I have like 14 modded gamertags on my account, I use Eazy Gt 2.2 to mod my accounts which is sooo much easier than Hex editor and modio.

I use Photoshop cs4 portable to make my graphics for youtube right now.

Edit: I got my HD PVR directly from hauppauge's website


New Member
a42ozslushie said:
I have like 14 modded gamertags on my account, I use Eazy Gt 2.2 to mod my accounts which is sooo much easier than Hex editor and modio.
Im using EzGt too but i have only 2.1 where do i get 2.2? I have been trying very hard to mod gamesaves, gamerpics, and themes with Modio but there are no instructions and i dont know the exact files i have to put the gamesaves, gamrpics , and themes in. The GTs were super easy to do but without tuts on how to do other modding i have no clue. Is Horizon any good? cause I have that too..

360 fan i do USB flashdrive(mem. stick, thumb drive, whatever.) modding because after the Aprl 6th patch u can do it with USB(M$ screwed themselves). If you have a USB flash drive here an awesome tut for it that has links in the description for everything you need including EzGt, Horizon, Modio, 7-zip-, Usb eXplorer, and Xplorer360.
Here is linky: