I think if they could reduce the lag issues and the spawn problems, the game would be a lot more fun. Love the score streak system. I have no issues with the dash boarding time out. Everybody knows that dash boarding can save your kdr. So it's nice to see a penalty given to all those that do it. Probation is not given for backing out a game just dash boarding .
It is interesting how the lag can change minute to minute. The group that I party with contains a lot of network admins. Since we are spread out through the us. That really can alter the lag. So through their suggestions, we have worked through the group and now have a select number that team up based on geographical location with the party host being in the relative center. Surprisingly, this has helped. I suggest giving it a try. Obviously YMMV.
While I grew up on pc gaming a dedicated servers are what I was familiar with, they also have their own separate sets of issues. And while they can fix some lag issues related to host etc... They are not a fix all. Never played BF3, but enough friends did and it had lag issues as well.