BO 2 KSG and Jitter Modes: what works and what doesn't


Thought I would write up what I found works /doesn't with the PS3 Ragnarok Programmable controller and the KSG with jitter modes. Just a note rapid fire doesn't work with the KSG since it is a pump action shot gun that shoots a single slug.

Mode 1: with hip fire and scoping you get one shot only. You need to allow the shotgut to complete the entire reload process before you can fire again.
Mode 2: same as above hip fire you get one shot and scope one shot.
Mode 3: from hip fire it will go through entire 14 shots quickly but shots are all over the place. Scoping is the same effect.
Mode 4: hip fire all rounds fire off again all over the place. Scoping you only get one shot.
Mode 5: from the hip fire you only get one shot. Scoping you get one shot and it just cycles through the ammo. None are actually chambered.
Mode 6: one shot from hip and only one shot from scoping.
Mode 7: from hip all shots are fired but shots are all over the place (~2 foot spread). Same when you are scoping.
Mode 8: one shot from hip but sometimes fires all shots (acts like it cycling through ammo...but really not), one shot from scoping position.

Overall the KSG is a poor gun to use with jitter, but if you are going to use it I would recommend mode 7. Again this is just what I have found your controller might act differently for you or you may have a different experience.


ModdingBros Representative
If u really want to rock fools with the ksg get yourself one of those sticker targets for your tv and place it where the slug comes out when u hipfire. U can run around and own fools with that shotgun and from ridiculous distances.


If u really want to rock fools with the ksg get yourself one of those sticker targets for your tv and place it where the slug comes out when u hipfire. U can run around and own fools with that shotgun and from ridiculous distances.

LOL...yeah I have seen those :)

The ksg is a one hit kill when it does connect with it's target. I'm still a big fan of the R870 MCS and jitter. That combination at close range takes out everyone.
I usually run around with the jitter set to where you can ads and spray with the jitter on because you can still get shots off fast while ads because it will still skip the pump animation and if you are in a tight spot you can still hold down the r1 button and spray if you miss the first shot :)