
New Member

I am a proud new owner and a very confused new user of the Viking 360 Macro controller. I wanted to start to familiarize and play with it on MW3 and was looking on already made Macro Sets to play with. I checked out the Macro library but there was only one with the gold star and it was only for rapid fire. I was wondering if the Macro Controller already came modded at all? Where do I find the mod sets that inlcude mods altogether like "rapid-fire" "jitter", "turbo-knife", "fast-reload", that are gold starred? I am please! May be stupid questions but I am completely brand new to this. Guidance, advice, and any assistance is most appreciated. Thanks -Sacred :confused:
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Sgt Jax Mehoff

Useful Poster

I am a proud new owner and a very confused new user of the Viking 360 Macro controller. I wanted to start to familiarize and play with it on MW3 and was looking on already made Macro Sets to play with. I checked out the Macro library but there was only one with the gold star and it was only for rapid fire. I was wondering if the Macro Controller already came modded at all? Where do I find the mod sets that inlcude mods altogether like "rapid-fire" "jitter", "turbo-knife", "fast-reload", that are gold starred? I am please! May be stupid questions but I am completely brand new to this. Guidance, advice, and any assistance is most appreciated. Thanks -Sacred :confused:
You can ask somebody, I could make one for you if you'd like. You could download team viewer and I could help you with it. You just download all the single macro's and then make your own set.


EDIT: Jax beat me to it! ;-)

First off I'd watch the tutorial vids in the support section HERE (CLICK ME!) Particularly the vids further down about the macro software itself...

The macro doesn't come with any macros preloaded, that's where you have to get your hands dirty ;-)

It can seem pretty daunting/ confusing at first, but once you've spent a bit of time playing around you'll see it's straight forward really :)

The two different files types you'll be working with are .vks and .vkm

.vks files are macro sets, ie. one or more macros assigned as a controller configuration, saved as one file.

.vkm files are individual macros. Use these to assign a macro to specific tac switches/ buttons to build your own or modify an existing macro set.

As yet I don't think there are any macro sets in the library for MW3, so just pick the macros that you want to use, download them and build your own set.. As for the ratings, they're useful for seeing what macros are popular but I wouldn't let a low rating put you off trying out any of the macros, you could miss out on one that works really well for you It's also worth checking the forums for macros 'under development' if you're interested in trying out the latest ones..

The 'exploit' used to make jitter macros in previous cod games isn't in MW3, so currently there is no jitter for MW3, it's looking pretty unlikely there ever will be either unfortunately :-(


New Member

Thank you!!! You rock!! I've been watching the tutorials, searching youtube, and straight up going crazy over here because I was not sure about the pre-macros and if it came with them, I didn't want to overwrite. I was just gonna start messing with it in game play to see if anything would happen ha! However, I am slowly figuring things out on the software... well a tiny bit so far lol....Its all so new and it truly is a beast!! I know how to download them now but didn't want to play with any without the gold star but after reading these responses, it looks like they would be ok. But it would be awesome and if you wouldn't mind making a set for MW3 for me and had the time, you'd be like a God lol!! It would really be appreciated and definitely helpful so I can get a feel for it a bit. Its madness for me at the moment, but I will get it lol. If not no worries, I did download the rapid fire macro :D Please let me know your thoughts, Thanks -Jenni


Thank you so much!! Your advice was extremely helpful as well!! I appreciate you taking the time to help me out!!! I am defintely going to checkout all the macros and not just the ones with the gold stars. I thought I read something about the "Jitter" not being in MW3 and you just confirmed it for me :) I am in for quite a ride with all this lol I've only had one mod before it and it was extremely basic...this is gonna be an adventure and I'm stoked lol. It really is rad to know, that there are cool, helpful, and friendly people on here to help us newbies out!!! Really Really APPRECIATE the guidance and I'll most likely be searching for a lot more as I go lol!!! :D
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Active Member
I made this one set for a user. You can download it below.

You can add macros, or remove them. This is just a starter set for those confused about the macro controller. I have no fast reloads on the set - but in my opinion they are overrated anyway. Feel free to add fast reloads though.

Page 1 - Blue Black Ops Rapid-fire
Page 2 - Blue Black Ops Jitter
Page 3 - Blue Black Ops Zombies
Page 4 - MW2
Page 5 - MW3 turbo knife 1
Page 6 - MW3 turbo riot shield
Page 7 - WAW
Page 8 - RDR
Page 9 - Skyrim


  • allgames(1).vks
    78.4 KB · Views: 17


New Member
TO NYjetsNY1 : Wow! Thank You! These all look really cool and will be very helpful. Really appreciate your assistance. Question? The pages, Can upload more then one page on the controller and if so, how do you switch them on your controller?

TO Sgt JAX: AWESOME!! I would be most grateful for it is the main game at the moment I want to play first and master the controller with. Thank you very much. I'll be waiting for it. :D


New Member
TO NYjetsNY1: Hey, were all the sets on the attachment for those pages? I clicked on the attachment but it was blank...


Active Member
TO NYjetsNY1 : Wow! Thank You! These all look really cool and will be very helpful. Really appreciate your assistance. Question? The pages, Can upload more then one page on the controller and if so, how do you switch them on your controller?

RT1, LT1. Right tac 1, Left tac 1. To go right or left.

TO NYjetsNY1: Hey, were all the sets on the attachment for those pages? I clicked on the attachment but it was blank...

Each .vks file is one set. There are 16 pages to a set. I used pages 1-9. The attachment is a .vks set. Were you logged in when you clicked on it?