C4 Question

I have a question.

Can you make a marco for the C4, just by the press of a button maybe tac switch, To throw c4/blow it up insted of you , throwing it and tapping X fast?

I was going to get the marco but, family emergency has came up.so cant afford it right now.


ModdingBros Representative
Ya i can make a macro do that with just one tap! the capabilities of the macro are almost limitless to what u can build. Im sorry to hear about bad news with your family and i just hope everything works out for the better with your family. If ever u get a macro I will gladly help try to make any macro u are acquiring to.


ModdingBros Leader
Yeah just like Brian said it wouldnt be too difficult, however you will still have that delay that it takes to throw it and it to stay in the air for a second or two. Hope your home life situation is working out man.