Call Of Duty 5....No Recoil Possible?


New Member
First off I wanted to say thank you guys for all the hard work on the code. But I have one question, is there any way to take the Recoil out of the weapons. I do not know if this is possible but I have played against people for example who have no recoil on the M1A1 and the MG42, not sure if this is a controller mod or a console or game save mod. Please let me know if this is something that can happen. Thanks again guys :D


Well-Known Member
Staff member
In some video games, use of the rapid fire will actually reduce recoil and/or increase accuracy. Unfortunately Call of Duty series is not one of those games.

Halo 3 and GTA IV are a couple of games that I do know have increased accuracy when using rapid fire.

If you can post game videos to bakcup your claims that certain players have less recoil? It seems a little bit like magic to me at the moment unless it's a 'perk'.


New Member
I am unable to find any videos at the moment and I do not have a capture card to take video :( . I do not know if maybe the replay in Core Deathmatch does not show the recoil of the enemies weapon. Thank you for the replies and and explinations.


New Member
This is just a thing the "Kill cam" does sometimes to show how you were killed. No recoil is not possible with out a XBOX 360 mod chip.


New Member
Adecker said:
This is just a thing the "Kill cam" does sometimes to show how you were killed. No recoil is not possible with out a XBOX 360 mod chip.
no recoil is not even possible AT ALL anymore


Active Member
odingalt said:
In some video games, use of the rapid fire will actually reduce recoil and/or increase accuracy. Unfortunately Call of Duty series is not one of those games.

Halo 3 and GTA IV are a couple of games that I do know have increased accuracy when using rapid fire.

If you can post game videos to bakcup your claims that certain players have less recoil? It seems a little bit like magic to me at the moment unless it's a 'perk'.
dont forget rainbow six vegas

Xx Binno xX

New Member
It shows no recoil because of the kill cam gitches it happens to me all the time. it even show no recoil with mechine guns.


New Member
In kill came replays the video is atlered a bit, even though you dont see any recoil in the actual game their is. Take in consideration then you kill someone through a window of glass that breaks you know you shot through the window, but in the replay it well show the window already broken. They took out some of the finer details when making the replay video. So there is always recoil, just not sometimes in replays.


IrishStyle said:
First off I wanted to say thank you guys for all the hard work on the code. But I have one question, is there any way to take the Recoil out of the weapons. I do not know if this is possible but I have played against people for example who have no recoil on the M1A1 and the MG42, not sure if this is a controller mod or a console or game save mod. Please let me know if this is something that can happen. Thanks again guys :D

in killcams/spectating it lags so it LOOKS reciolless. On there screen its normal. But also Halo 3 rapid fire will decrease reciol on Halo


New Member
As ofther people have said, the killcams usually have some graphical errors, for example if you were killed by a .357 magnum, it might look like the upward recoiling animation isn't there. But in reality the animation is skipped, and the recoil is still there. If you shoot at a wall you'll see that no matter the recoil animation, the bullet recoil pattern is still the same.

Basically, the recoiling animation is just skipped. The bullets take the same path no matter if the animation is present or absent.