Calling All Macro Makers!


ModdingBros Representative
Hey everyone I got a challenge if u will for any experienced or non experienced macro makers. As some of u know there are rapid fires that can greatly reduce or Produce 0

recoil on automatic weapons like the G36C in MW3 for example. I would like to see anti recoil macros made for BO2 using the rapidfire anti recoil method. I was playing the

SCAR-H and put RF on it and it made the gun have 0 recoil but it shot to slow to be effective. Im calling all macro makers out to try to produce 1 great 0 recoil weapon.

Consider it a competition of sorts.

Make your best anti recoil for whatever weapon u want (as long as its a automatic) and Ill judge which one i feel is the best. Ill break

it down into 2 categories the first one being the amount of recoil that is reduced and the second category will be judged on keeping the rate of fire as closes to the

original rate of fire. Ill rate both categories on a scale of 1-10 1 being the worst and ten being the best. Hopefully this will inspire everyone to get involved and make

some sick *** macros! Feel free to judge these macros as well too using the 1-10 scale in each category. I myself will try to make a anti recoil macro but I will not be a

part of the contest per-say cause it wouldn't be fair to be a judge and contestant. There are no prizes except the prize of making a sick macro for everyone to enjoy

but im sure if enough people take this challenge we will see some really great stuff come out of this so please post your finished anti recoils in this thread and Ill finish

my judging in 1 month from now and hopefully by then we will see some sick anti recoil macros produced!
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