I just got my controller yesterday afternoon and I have only used the latest firmware on it.
I got akimbo to work by editing the macro you posted.
This allows me to keep rapidfire and akimbo mode on and still aim down sight.
I don't know if my controller is messed up but i hope this is fixed soon. Another thing that is bugging me is the right analog sticks on my controller if I slightly move the joysticks to the lower right you can notice my guy in MW2 starts moving on its own if i let go of the joysticks(hardware defect). This is annoying especially when I am recording a macro since it does show up. I think I might actually open up a support ticket. Since my right trigger, right analog stick and the dpad needs to be fixed and maybe have a look at the viking chip. I am hoping they can replace the right joystick mechanism or better yet replace the whole controller and actually test out the controller in gameplay and whiling recording to make sure none of the buttons are defective, stuck or moving on it's own. Sorry to be a pain in the a--