Cant Order The Macro!?


New Member
I Need Help And I Want To Buy A Controller But It Keeps Saying We Do Not Ship To P.o Boxes So Then We Put Our Other Address and then it sends me to the next page And then i put all the required fields then it say's Transaction Declined Or AVS Mismatch... Please Reply Fast I Need To Place A Order By Today NO SHIPPING TO p.O BOXES???
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Active Member
Yeah, we do not ship to P.O. boxes or to faulty addresses - to prevent fraud.
99% of the time if there is a problem with AVS mismatch it is to prevent fraud.

If you REALLY need to buy a controller today, go buy a visa/american express/mastercard gift card at a pharmacy, grocery store etc.

Buy the viking with that. Make the address a non-p.o. box.

Problem solved.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
We only ship UPS (and FedEx coming this fall). And neither of those carriers will do PO boxes. It's for fraud prevention - it's their policy, not ours.

We stopped shipping USPS due to both customer complaints about service reliability, and lots of fraud.

Sgt Jax Mehoff

Useful Poster
Your loss pal, you should have just gotten a pre-paid Visa card and loaded it up with enough cash for the Macro Controller purchase.
But best of luck to you anyways with your new controller.


Active Member
If he really wanted it, he'd get it. I'm willing to bet this guy is a scammer looking for a free controller and will find one that takes paypal, shipping to a garbage dump, and USPS. Then he'll just dispute and get a free controller.


Active Member
He'd find a different company that accepts paypal, shipping to a garbage dump, and USPS. Then he'll just dispute and boom... a free controller.


New Member
Thumbs Down On Viking360

Yea Im 15 And Im A Scammer "Totally"
Also Im Just Some How Gonna Ship To A Garbage Dump for a "Free Controller"

Sgt Jax Mehoff

Useful Poster
Thanks for your input an nobody was calling you a scammer NYJetsNY was just explaining that they stopped accepting payments from Paypal and shipping from USPS simply because they were getting ripped off.
If you really want the Macro Controller you should have gotten a two hundred and twenty dollar pre-paid Visa card or something. Your loss pal, have a good one.


ModdingBros Leader
im telling you dude you making a mistake going to a different place this is the best controller you will ever find and its now very limited but good luck i would wait to get one if you r a cod player since any other controller will need to be sent in so it has mods for mw3


Active Member
Yea Im 15 And Im A Scammer "Totally"
Also Im Just Some How Gonna Ship To A Garbage Dump for a "Free Controller"

I'm sorry that you mistook my "I'm willing to bet" for a statement.

I didn't say you were gonna ship to a garbage dump. I was implying that people look for sites that ship controllers to anywhere so that it is easier to dispute if you pick a bad address, etc.

As I said before, we have a lot of things to prevent fraud. If you really want the controller, go to a grocery store, pharmacy, walmart, target, etc, buy a prepaid visa or mastercard and purchase the viking360 macro controller with that.

If you don't want to, that is your loss. We are trying to not sell them out too fast anyway. But anything beats sending a working controller that took a lot of time and effort to build, create, etc only to get scammed by a customer!

You may or may not be one, but our rules stay the same.