Changing the modes?


New Member
I was just wondering: Does changing the modes change the entire button layout of the controller including the tactile buttons? As in if I had jitter, easy quick scope, drop shot, and rapid fire on one mode then switched modes would those tactile switches change as well or would I be able to customize the buttons per mode? Along with that, which tactile button would be used to change modes, is that customizable as well?

Sorry for being such a noob, I just want to know the ins and outs before I buy my controller.

Thanks a lot =)


Active Member
Kamikazekid said:
I was just wondering: Does changing the modes change the entire button layout of the controller including the tactile buttons? As in if I had jitter, easy quick scope, drop shot, and rapid fire on one mode then switched modes would those tactile switches change as well or would I be able to customize the buttons per mode? Along with that, which tactile button would be used to change modes, is that customizable as well?

Sorry for being such a noob, I just want to know the ins and outs before I buy my controller.

Thanks a lot =)
I'm sorry I can't understand your question. Are you asking if you change the mode order does it change the tac switch order? If that's the question then no.


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Kamikazekid said:
I was just wondering: Does changing the modes change the entire button layout of the controller including the tactile buttons?
Kamikazekid said:
As in if I had jitter, easy quick scope, drop shot, and rapid fire on one mode then switched modes would those tactile switches change as well or would I be able to customize the buttons per mode?

Depends on whether you want it to or not :). This thing can hold up to five 'pages' of macros. That is, each page containing all different assignments to the six tactile switches. Of course, if you want to use the pages feature, at least one of your six tac switches has be assigned as a 'next page' button. You can also assign a 'next page' and a 'previous page' button both at the same time if you want to. Otherwise you can just keep it simple and stick to one page of macros assigned to the six tac switches.

So really we've done away with 'modes'... rather than watching a ton of blinking on your controller while you scroll through a billion modes, you can scroll to the next page, each page is represented by its own color showing up on the LED's.

And of course you can assign up to three macros to toggle, and can assign which LED will display that toggle. I.e. maybe you want Tac Switch 3 to toggle RapidFire on and off and you want LED4 to be used to display whether rapidfire is enabled or not.

Kamikazekid said:
Along with that, which tactile button would be used to change modes, is that customizable as well?

Yup, you can pick any of the six as your 'next page' or 'previous page' buttons.

Don't worry, if all of this sounds confusing, we are going to release pre-made macro sets for every popular game and include a tutorial video. The pre-made macro sets likely will NOT use the multiple pages and will be set up dumb n' easy to get you started. Once you gain confidence you can start playing around with all the customizing.


New Member
"So really we've done away with 'modes'... rather than watching a ton of blinking on your controller while you scroll through a billion modes, you can scroll to the next page, each page is represented by its own color showing up on the LED's."

So are you saying that the only way to change pages is by assigning a button to do that and only that? Don't you think that's a waste, or are we still able to hold down one tac switch to change modes?


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Kamikazekid said:
"So really we've done away with 'modes'... rather than watching a ton of blinking on your controller while you scroll through a billion modes, you can scroll to the next page, each page is represented by its own color showing up on the LED's."

So are you saying that the only way to change pages is by assigning a button to do that and only that? Don't you think that's a waste, or are we still able to hold down one tac switch to change modes?

Yup, the only way to change pages is to push a button. How else would you change?

I think once you start playing with the new layout you're going to like it. You're going to have much faster access to your modes. Think of it this way, right now you only have two tac switches. And when you want to go from mode 1 to mode 8, you have to sit there and hold down the button.

The whole time you are waiting to activate mode 8, the enemy just shot you in the face 3 times. lol


I think he wants to know if you can change by say, holding both triggers and hitting a tac, like on the old viking. Instead of useing up one of the tacs for just that.


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PS3andCOD said:
I think he wants to know if you can change by say, holding both triggers and hitting a tac, like on the old viking. Instead of useing up one of the tacs for just that.

Nope. This made the custom hex editor way too complicated and you guys may not know this, but we probably spent 75% of our time listening to customer complaints about how complicated it was and how they couldn't get it to work and etc.... so we did away with the weird button combinations to turn modes on and off. [not everybody is as technically savvy as you guys]

If you try out this controller and six tac switches aren't enough, we can always release GUI v2.0.

It sounds like I should just ditch the macro GUI altogether, remove the four extra tactile switches, and just update the custom hex editor for The Viking instead??? We're gonna be rich, I didn't know all I had to do was recycle our old crappy and complicated and buggy custom hex editor. We don't have to spend all this money on the new software :D


People just need to realize how good this is. 5 macro's per game ought to be enough, you can then have pages for up to 5 games stored, so you don't have to go back to your PC. Or different pages for each create a class on COD. A lot of people just don't understand the value of the macro editor. But it probably would be good to have rapidfire in sps and fast reloads available in a drop down menu... That would be a lot faster then the timeline I bet.


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I think I see what you are getting at, this thing isn't like the custom driver editor. But it doesn't really need to be, we wrote a lot of stuff into the custom driver editor because the mod was only connected to LED1 and LED2, and the mod only had two tac switches.

With six tac switches and control over more LEDs (including colors to help out), I don't think we're going to need all the complicated stuff. You'll be able to fit all your modes into 2 pages, whereas before you needed eight to ten modes to fit all your stuff.

Hopefully we can get a beta up on the website, maybe you can hold off until after the launch and check out the software, we will make some videos of the new controller and the new software in action with COD:MW2.


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I think everybody is pretty smart and is figuring out the new software based on my posts and the screenshots. It is designed a little bit more 'generically' in that we were hoping people that play something OTHER than COD:MW2 would be able to get some use out of the controller.

Maybe we focused a bit TOO much on making this controller a universal macro controller? I can see that we need to be sure that we are catering to specifically the rapidfire crowd. I might get with the software developer to see if we can make some last minute changes, if we can't get them for the 10/1/2010 release, certainly we will be looking at "GUI v2.0" as soon as possible based on input from "GUI v1.0" from customers.

Maybe what we should do is add a COD:MW2 plugin or a COD:MW2 dashboard that pops up that focuses on all of the glitches and whatnot for COD:MW2? Just a thought. Or maybe we could have a drag-n-drop bucket or some other tool set up specifically for FPS. I had originally intended on just providing a pile of macros for jitter, rapidfire, fast reload, etc. that you could drop into the different slots as customer saw fit. But it sounds like what we really need is some sort of lovechild of the new GUI and the old custom hex editor.

I can't wait to get this out into everybody's hands to play with, I fear that we will have a lot of good positive feedback on changes we should make to the software, but hey, that's the only way we can get better is to keep trying.


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I had a brainstorming session with my wife just now, we've come up with several good solutions that are going to make this even better than the custom hex editor...



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v360Reflex said:
Hey E is there still going to be custom rapidfire speeds and older games like COD WAW?
that's what i'm wondering too.. :eek: :D

Based on the questions in this thread (and damn good questions I might add) on how the scrolling through modes is going to work, and how custom speeds would work, I sat down this morning with the software developer and had about a 3 hours brainstorming session.

First of all, you're going to be stuck using the pages for changes modes until v2.0 of the software. We're much too close to launch to work on this feature right now, but we are leaving 'space' for it in the software (it's all over in the project definitions, we're just not sure we'll get that module added for 10/1/2010)

Secondly on custom speeds: He came up with a very unique way to implement all the custom speeds, etc., while still allowing us the flexibility to edit/add to those macros in the timeline editor... his method was very different from what I planned on doing, but his method is really going to increase the flexibility of the macros.

You will assign your right trigger to rapidfire by grabbing a pre-made 'rapidfire_10_sps.vkm' macro file and assigning it to your right trigger. This is a file set up for rapidfire at ten shots per second. Now if you want more or less speed, you'll just edit the time multiplier. It starts at 1.00x. If you want 15 shots per second, set the time multiplier to 1.50x. If you want 5 shots per second, set it to 0.50x, and so on.

It's going to take you a little bit to wrap your head around the way that the new software does custom rapidfire speeds :). The nice thing about this method that we've decided to use, is that it still allows you to add other buttons to this macro. So for example if you want to add sniper mode + rapidfire to the macro, you could easily add the left thumbstick press and left trigger to this rapidfire macro. So every time you fire, you'd get steady aim, autozoom and rapidfire all in one.


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We'll have a lot of .vkm's set up for the max speed on the older games. Just grab the .vkm for your game. I.e. "Call of Duty WAW Max RapidFire.vkm". If you want speeds slower than the max, just dial down the time multiplier on that macro.


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Another update (figured I'd post it here, as good as anywhere else), the software will have autoupdating feature, so if there are any software or firmware updates, you will be prompted automatically by the software (assuming of course you have an internet connection). If not you'll have to download any updates the old fashioned way. (borrowing your friend's computer :) )


Ah! That's very smart. I like it! But why not just use 1 sps? It'd be easier math for most people, basicaly change the multiplyer to the speed you want in sps.


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Right now the time multiplier valid range is 0.10x thorugh 10.00x. So if you start with 1SPS, you'll only be able to go from 0.1 sps up to 10 sps.

The limits on the time multiplier has to do with the digital-to-analog conversion of the triggers and joysticks. After some more testing we may be able to adjust the multiplier limits. The idea is if you create a really fast macro (and by really fast I'm talking about like 400 or 500 button presses per second, like constantly moving the analog joysticks), and then multiply it even faster, we don't want you to exceed the capability of the hardware. I.e., this time multiplier will be used for a lot of stuff, not just adjusting the rapidfire speed.

Though I agree with you, it'll throw some peeps off. Don't worry, hopefully peeps will stick with our pre-made macro sets which are going to be all set up, then when they get bored, they can learn from those and do their own tweeking.