Check out my jitters!


ModdingBros Representative
:DI've made three mule kick tac jitters. [slowest,Med and fastest] U assign them to a tac button to use. If u hold LT and the jitter tac at the same time u get jitter akimbo. [great for the 3 round burst dual wield pistols & the dual wield shotgun pistols] I added what i call double tap, if u tap the jitter tac it will automatically jitter two rounds with one tap [good for a quick kill and saving ammo] or u can just hold the tac down for full auto jitter. I re edited my jitter speeds to what i feel are truly the best and deadliest. [same with my RT jitter mods] U will truly be impressed with these jitters once u try them. I posted these jitters in 2 spots. One is under NY Jets sticky jitter thread in the back and the other is in a thread of its own called Tac jitter plus mule kicker. I posted a version yesterday but re edited them when i noticed that toward the end of my jitter loop the last Y sequence before it looped back around to the X sequence was of by .001 of a second. No big deal really but as im a perfectionist i had to fix it or it would have drove me nuts. Please give it a go and id love to hear your replies about it. Pretty soon everyone will be able to get the best of the best of BO2 macros in the library so u wont have to deal with all the inconsistent macros spread all over the BO2 forums. Im almost positive u will see my 6 jitters, 20 turbo knives [For any game-style played & Any weapon or perk setup possible], zombie aim, auto-sprint, "All in one" Tac operated RF+Aim+dropshot for the FAL&SMR [default&tactical] and my tac operated full-auto aim&dropshot! [default&tactical] Ive made a lot more macros too but these are the ones im sure will make the cut in the macro library!
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New Member
Well, I just want to say, thank you! And i will be sure to try some out. I am using your jitter for the shotgun, but not sure if it is an updated version. I will have to go back and see. Man, I wish you did Halo 4 also.


ModdingBros Representative
Yea im happy now where all my macros are and I had time yesterday to fix all the labels properly and i emailed all my macros for BO2 to MJ23KB24 so hopefully he can post them in our sticky thread so u guys can have all our finalized macros in one place till the library gets updated.