Chip Swap 360 controller to One controller


New Member
Is it possable? I'll buy a controller and throw $200.00 towards trying. I have'nt posted in a year at least, and last time I checked East Side Electronics I belive or something along those lines was the go to if I remember right. Any help would be awesome! Someone out there has got to be able to pull this off...I hope.


ModdingBros Representative
Very little is know about the xboxone circuit boards "as of now". From what little I've gathered its based of the CG1 board of the old 360. As far as what pin outs go where, no one really knows at this point.

I'm actually waiting for RDC to do a board scan of the new Xbox one controller and when that happens if he chooses to share his findings we will know all the pin outs.

It does look promising as far as using 12f683 chips that were written for the xbox360 that are coded to diagnose every board type by using the signals off the RT.

I Dont think u will have any luck with trying to mod a viking chip especially a macro chip to a Xbox one. They are programmed for specific board types and no one knows as of now if they will be compatible with the Xbox one boards. The only people that could possibly tell u this would be the mod companies making the next gen mods and I'm sure they would rather die than give out any trade secrets.
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New Member
Possible, yes, but it would get you nothing but a dead controller at best, and a fried MCU at worst, but I'll still take the $200. ;)

The XB1 controller uses a Common Ground layout for the buttons, and the Sticks are still the 10k POT style, but that's about where the similarities end. While the MCU in the 360 CG version controllers, as well as the one in the new XB1 controller, are both 100 pin 14mm QFP, they are physically swappable, but, they are nothing at all alike in terms of pinout and how they work.

If you're after a 360 controller that's in the XB1 controller shell, that would have to be done via..

Some type of Adapter
Hack up a wired CL and solder it up to a stripped down XB1 board (end up with a wired controller then)
Redo the XB1 PCBs in the layout for the 360 CG parts (expensive, but also fun, and is how I did the last 3PS60 I made, Wired 360 controller in the PS3 controller shell -

If you meant swap a Viking chip from a 360 controller over to the XB1, then no, same thing applies, the chip would actually fit on the XB1 MCU, but nothing at all would line up to work right.

I have both boards from the XB1 controller scanned now and mostly traced out as far as the buttons and such go, and I've also finished off a first draft of a schematic for the thing. The schematic is for personal use and will most likely never see the light of day, but the board scans will be posted up with more info when I'm finished with a few more things on them.
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