Contoller Broke?


New Member
The Led's on my controller just stopped lighting up and now none of the mods work and I don't have any leds at all. What happened to my controller


Active Member
Mr. I pretty sure that it says in the Viking360 FAQ; that if your controller has any issues as into electrical then you need to first open up a support ticket, but if you dropped your controller or you spilled something on it then; you should not be trying to get it fixed for free. The Viking360 Support ticket system is the only and fastest way to contact Viking360 about your broken controller. Please don't flood the forums with threads about your broken controller, just do as you are told to do, or even better what you yourself read to do! Open up a support ticket through Viking360 and you will also get a response back within 24 hours. Now if you do not know about the Viking360 support ticket system then I suggest that you go through and read everything on every link on Viking360 Home Page