controller gets hot

JR 426

New Member
i installed a raven on a cg2 and it worked fine i got it programmed and played with it for a few hours. but i took it apart to put one of the rumble packs in that i had to leave out do to poor tac switch location. i got it to fit without changing anything but the shell. it worked but when i pushed a i jumped and swung my knife. i replaced every wire thinking that one was shorting. now the controller gets hot where the pnc battery pack makes contact, and it wont turn on. ive tyed installing it as a sleeper and the same thing happens. ive checked every wire and they are in the right plce. the controller works if i remove the v and g wires to disable the chip. does this mean my chip is toast?


New Member
If you installed pnc connection to the PC instead of a 3.5 jack and shorted the two wires coneccting the the pnc port that could be why it is getting hot there.


New Member
so the controller will not tun on unless the chip is disconnected from its power source?

oh misss read your first post if it gets hot where the pnc battery contacts to the metal parts and if you are using a pnc battery it is probably related.

JR 426

New Member
related to what. like i said it does this with both pnc and aa batteries. im pretty sure its not a bridge in my soldering points, ive checked each one under a magnifying glass. is ther a way to check if the chip is bad.

JR 426

New Member
IrishStyle said:
I would suggest running the button test code and posting the results.
i cant turn it on! please read my first post and let me know what you think. somethng i didnt say in the first ppost is i did the button test code first and it was fine


New Member
Have you tried starting with just the V and G and working your way from there? I would suggest only soldering V and G and then test to see if the controller powers up. If it does start solder one wire at a time and testing so you can debug the install. Also did you solder to the via points or to traces?

JR 426

New Member
IrishStyle said:
Have you tried starting with just the V and G and working your way from there? I would suggest only soldering V and G and then test to see if the controller powers up. If it does start solder one wire at a time and testing so you can debug the install. Also did you solder to the via points or to traces?
im using the via points. i just removed every wire and put the v aand g back on and got the same results. but it still works i just used it with nothing on it.


Active Member
JR 426 said:
IrishStyle said:
Have you tried starting with just the V and G and working your way from there? I would suggest only soldering V and G and then test to see if the controller powers up. If it does start solder one wire at a time and testing so you can debug the install. Also did you solder to the via points or to traces?
im using the via points. i just removed every wire and put the v aand g back on and got the same results. but it still works i just used it with nothing on it.

Sounds like you may have flashed it with a wrong pre-set, like maybe for some reason you flashed the Tyr's Hammer Pre-set onto it!! (Dont get mad just an idea)...

You know what I think it was is that you had your I/O (+) and I/O (-) switched up....

JR 426

New Member
so what do i do to fix it. im going to try installiung it on a different controller today and see what that does. what do you mean by io+ and io-

JR 426

New Member
Fredrow said:
JR 426 said:
IrishStyle said:
Have you tried starting with just the V and G and working your way from there? I would suggest only soldering V and G and then test to see if the controller powers up. If it does start solder one wire at a time and testing so you can debug the install. Also did you solder to the via points or to traces?
im using the via points. i just removed every wire and put the v aand g back on and got the same results. but it still works i just used it with nothing on it.

Sounds like you may have flashed it with a wrong pre-set, like maybe for some reason you flashed the Tyr's Hammer Pre-set onto it!! (Dont get mad just an idea)...

You know what I think it was is that you had your I/O (+) and I/O (-) switched up....

ok so i connected the v and g to a matrix and it turned on and didnt get hot. does this mean that it is flashed wrong or is ity the controller. if it is flashed wrong how do i fix that if i cant get the controller to come on. im going to try another cg 2 to eliminate the controller being bad. is l/0+ and l/0- v and g ?

i connected v and g on another cg2 and it wont turn on and it gets hot again. so i need to know how to reset the chip without installing in the matrix if thats possible


Active Member
No the (I/O I was referring too was input and output points that are used on the chip to connect to either the 3.5mm jack or for the PnC flashing option) I should have just said D- and D+, It was a little too early..

Sounds to me like when you hooked it up to your CG2 controller you had your V=voltage + and G=ground backwards........ What points are you using on the CG2 for the V and G connections??