Controller Protection


New Member
I recently found my old silicone controller case, and I remember how well it worked. Since my Viking cost me $260, I wanted to protect it. The silicone case:


What I did was take a new toothpick (very sharp) and poked them into the marked spots where my tactical buttons were. Then, I got a box cutter and cut off the excess silicone, and it fitted perfectly! Now my controller is protected from food, sweat, and has better grip and feel. After that, I craved more protection, (I'm a worrisome person), and found these nice stick caps for my custom PS3 Analogs, that give me so much more grip. Now I have the perfect gaming controller! I have the perfect mod, with the perfect grip and protection around the controller, and easy-to-use mushroom-top analogs with the best grip ever! These are just suggestions, for people that are worrying about the same things as me. Not to mention I bought this foam case for when I take it over to friends house. I treat my viking like a baby :p I'll add pictures if they are requested!


New Member
I'll add some on Tuesday-Wednesday (whenever my new black Odin's Raven gets here). Right now I'm using my old toxic one, and it doesn't look great.


Um... If you cut out the tac holes on a different modded controller, the tacs might not be in the exact same places.


New Member
I have an Odin's Raven, but I'm getting another one with a different setup. If it's not the same, I have more cases :p (and there's always eBay)


New Member
I got both of mine off ebay, but they sell them at Microcenter and Gamestop (which doesn't have a lot of stock).


Active Member
Awfulz said:
I just typed in "Silicone Case Xbox 360", and it came up with them. Then, "PS3 Analog Stick Grips". sears have these to anyone wondering....$2.60

Nice, that's about the same price as a pack of condoms.....


New Member


This is the finished product. I found out that the silicone doesn't get tight enuff in the back of the controller to press the buttons down, so now it's a little elevated and makes it much easier to use the tac buttons. Also, the silicone shortens the AYBX buttons on the controller, at least in half. This means, faster button pushing = faster reactions. Grease slides right off of the silicone, and it is very grippy, but not the annoying weird-feeling grip.. it's very soft! The precision of the PS3 analogs, and the grip of the Caps4Stix make it like I'm playing in real life. Since the whole back is a little elevated, I can push anywhere on the back and it will activate the tactical switches, it's very nice and highly recommended.


New Member
The analog grips I could do without, but it does have the same feel as the case so the whole controller feels like it's made out of the same material. But honestly, the case was the best thing that I've invested into the controller.


Active Member
Awfulz said:
The analog grips I could do without, but it does have the same feel as the case so the whole controller feels like it's made out of the same material. But honestly, the case was the best thing that I've invested into the controller.
ok but is that case that i linked the same?


New Member
No, the one I have has individual holes for the XYBA buttons, that one has one big hole. Mine also has individual holes for the analog, start, select, and middle buttons.


New Member
I actually ended up taking the caps off today. The silicone case adds a good 1/8 of and inch of silicone around the controller. The caps literally doubles the size and grip of the PS3 analogs, although it was nice.. when I was trying to sprint in MW2, it didn't leave a lot of room for my analog to touch the controller when pushing forward, and caused it to prematurely end my sprinting. So I took them off, it has a weird feel but I'll get use to it.. I still recommend the silicone casing.. I took it off today and my controller still smells and looks new!