couldnt seem to get working


New Member
tried my switches as a sprint button and I couldnt seem to get it to work I tried multiple times with different wires etc and just giving up on it


New Member
How is it wired up? Did you tap into a trace, or relocated the stock tact? More info is needed or a pic of wiring would be nice.


Active Member
He tried to wire up a tact for the sprint tact switch under the left analog stick. He was trying to route it to the bottom shell.

Oh, its this guy!!! This must be a major problem since there is multi-threads about this!!

To the OP; do you own a DMM? Are you sure your connecting to the right solder points? Are you sure you are connecting to a GND point to complete the circuit? Are you using the proper leads on the tact switch you are using? Are you sure your tact switches are NO and not NC??


New Member
no DMM , pretty sure im soldering the right points. Dont think im soldering a ground. Pretty sure I was using proper leads on the tac. And im not sure what NO or NC is


Active Member
NO=Normally Open; NC=Normally Closed. Determines the starting position of the switch.

Tacts have 4 legs? If yes; which two legs did you cut off?

How did your old wire look after you removed it from your controller?


New Member
Ok not sure if they are opened or closed. yes they have four legs I cut off two close to each other and then tried keeping two across. I was making a new switch so using new wire