Curiosity Compels Me to Ask [New Legacy Controllers]

Viva en Grey

New Member
Just a few questions on your new legacy controllers that are being unveiled next week, correct?

In the blog post it is said that they'll incorporate features from your 'extinct' legacy line, and that said features will be expanded on/perfected. Will new features that were previously Macro-Exclusive be incorporated as well? Immediately I think of Turbo Knife/Riot Shield, Anti-Recoil, and the Humanized Rapid Fire (the anti-recoil being the key word that brought up your company in a Google search, haha). It has been made clear that if one is able, to buy a Macro in favor of the new controller, but these were questions I had nonetheless.

Feel free to let me know if there is a need for beta testers and such, as I do own both Black Ops & MW3, along with Elite membership.


~Wasn't sure if this belonged in the Legacy Section or in the Macro Section. Not too big of a deal, but if a moderator sees fit please move it to where it belongs!


Active Member
The viking360 new controller will be comparable to the Ragnarok.

At this time, the controller will not release with Turbo Knives, Anti-Recoil, nor "Humanized" Rapid-fire.

In the future, with software updates, we may be able to add them. If you are looking for those features, a macro controller is what you need!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
nyjets is correct. The initial release of the XBOX360 Ragnarok will not include Turbo Knife, turbo riot shielf or humanized rapidfire. It will basically be the PS3 Ragnarok, with perfect active reloads added for GOW.

The XBOX360 Ragnarok isn't wired to the analog joystick movement, so anti-recoil won't be available. It does have a sensitive digital-to-analog converter on the triggers - the same exact DAC that is used on the macro controllers. I am trying to find ways to make rapidfire faster by "feathering" the trigger using the DAC (kind of like if your finger was tapping it but not pushing the trigger all the way down) but so far I'm only seeing a boost in the pistols in B.O. I don't think this method provides any boost in MW3 which is the big game now.

So the XBOX360 Ragnarok is basically just the PS3 Ragnarok but with more potential than the previous legacy controllers since this one is wired up to all the buttons. We should be bringing turbo knife and turbo riot shield as a software update in the spring. (I want to get this to market now and I don't have time to properly test and add those features in time for the holidays).