Destiny Rapid fire rates


New Member
Hey guys, anyone know the best rapid fire rates for destiny specifically for the Thorn handcannon?


Active Member
I have tried several rapid fires for various weapons on destiny, have not succeeded with any of them, nearest I get is turning a single shot into an auto fire. Hopefully matt will jump in here and give us the heads up as he is a destiny player, plus a good rune maker ..... Matt !!!!!!!!

modded matt

Active Member
Destiny is a tough cookie for rapid fire because every gun is tuned in game differently. (This means a different rapid fire for EVERY weapon) but not only are the guns tuned by the game devs, they are often updated which changes things again then to top it off the games has a speed cap on each gun.

I will look into the Thorn this weekend and see what I can come up with. To speed the fire rate, it will have to implement a "humanized rapid fire" to do this, instead of the one trigger pull then repeat, it needs a long trigger pull, pause, then short pull, pause and a longer pull then repeat. but timing and lag is the key. Then once I get it done, the next update could wipe all the hard work out.


Active Member
Thanks matt, look forward to what you can create, but as you say, all the hard work can be lost with yet another update. I tend to leave the rapid fires alone, use anti recoils, sparrow spawn and super on tac switch, play the rest straight without any other mods.


Well-Known Member
How do you all like this game? Thought about getting it to help out.....Almost off these long hours to do some rune building.