Diy mod help


New Member
So I took off the mod and got a new controller, I installed the mod on the new controller using diffrent spots for most of the button connections, and I am having the same/similer problem that I had before. So there must be something wrong with the mod chip. Any thing I can do about this aside from buy/pay for a new one? Can I send it to you?


New Member
I am sure I did it on the right controller type, I compared it with other ones. the Holes and things are in diffrent spots. This is the second controller that i have installed the same mod chip on.


New Member
I would like to send it back becasue it is screwing up my controllers even after I i take off the mod chip. And I am 100% SURE there is no messed up traces, shorts or any type of flaw. the b button does not work to the the action that it would normal do, it does what the rb would do but the rb button is fine.


New Member
Well then what the fuck am I going to do with a 30$ mod chip that I bought that doesnt work? I am 100% sure there is something wrong with the chip not the controller or my "soldering/installing skill".


New Member
bob, what watt iron were you using? A few weeks ago i installed a 8 pronged, 3 mode sleeper chip on a controller and while i was doing the install i pretty much melted the plastic on the chip with a 15 watt cheapo(but worth three times as much as what i payed for it) and when i touched the chip it burned me... and guess what, the mod works fine with no problems whatsoever. I'm pretty sure unless you were using greater than 30 watts your chip isn't broken. Maybe it was the crystal thing or whatever Fredrow was talking about, if that thing is really easy to burnout.


New Member
I have done many installs similar to this type of thing, but this is only the second controller I have installed, Now I know how to solder to traces and via holes, I have fixed CB Radios, and even made things like mini tasers. my knowledge on xbox controllers is most likely no where near yours fedrow or any of the moderators on here, but I know how to solder, and I know how to not apply too much heat. I am also not saying that it is anyones blame, I just get pissed when people say I don't know what I am doing. I would not have gotten a diy if I couldn't do it. Now, I know I bought this in November, and when I got it it was in a flat box, more like a folder not in a 3D shape so there was nothing to protect it. And the box was a little beaten up.... That might be where the problem is. I also know the mod chip is not totally screwed, because only 2 buttons don't work B and RB. Fedrow, I am not going to take you up on that bet because you know much more about the xbox controller and the chip its self. I only have what the instructions say to go buy. I have tried multiple locations for both the B and RB buttons. If you would like I can send it to you, but because it still works... for the most part.... I don't want to just give it to you.


Active Member
Now you said that you removed the chip from the 1st controller you started working on which was a CG board and then you said that you went out and bought a new 360 controller to try and do a fresh install. What type of board was that 2nd controller??

And you also said you where going to take pics of the controller so I could see what was going on, but you never did. Any chance you could still do that?

I really want to help you to get this controller working!!!!


New Member
Thank you very very much.
Okay the new controller type was a CG.
Uhhmmm I will put pictures in next post.

First post will be the controller that I tried to install it on first. That controller works fine but the RB and B buttons both do the same function.

Second post will be The new controller. That one the same two buttons are nor working, on the button test code it is 3 flashes on left then 3 on right which is B and RB.


New Member

Ohh I did leave the wires attached to the led because they are hard to put on and I was testing stuff with them...


I thank you for looking at these.


New Member




Again, thank you.
This is the controller it is currently installed on. I added the 3.5mm jack so the wires restrict how far i can pull the board off the case.


Active Member
I know this question has been asked already and I know that you have answered it already but I just need to ask again......

After installing the Raven (aka DUO) button test code and you ran the test code, it told you that the B and right bumper buttons are messed up?

When you ran the button test code, and you pressed down on each button to test it. Did you hold each button down for maybe 5s? Just wanted to make sure you were doing the test in cycles, and not just pressing the button once and then calling it good.

This is the Raven (aka- “DUO”) button test code

LEFT STICK = LED-4 (blink 1x)
LEFT BUMPER = LED-4 (blink 2x)
RIGHT BUMPER = LED-4 (blink 3x)
RIGHT STICK = LED-4 (blink 4x)
X = LED-3 (blink 1x)
Y = LED-3 (blink 2x)
B = LED-3 (blink 3x)
A = LED-3 (blink 4x)
LEFT TRIGGER = LED-3 (blink 1x) then LED-4 (blink 1x)
RIGHT TRIGGER = LED-3 (blink 1x) then LED-4 (blink 1x) then repeats.
LEFT TACT = LED-3 (blink 5x)
RIGHT TACT = LED-4 (blink 5x)


New Member
Ohhh, wow, now I am lost completely.....
Okay so now, right off the bat it says they are all okay, no lights flash when I don't push a button. this is good.

The X works as it should but it also, makes the b button flash.
The A button works fin but it makes the RS flash.
The B button works right but It also makes the x button flash.
The RS does not work at all....

Now these results are compleatly diffrent from the last time I did this.
Last time the player 3 and 4 led would flash 3 times each, even when I was not pushing any buttons. Now they are not doing that.


New Member
YESSSS!!! I fixed the problem with the X and B buttons.....
Now are there any modes/drivers that actually use the A and RS?
Because I could just disconnect them right?


New Member
supimbob333 said:
YESSSS!!! I fixed the problem with the X and B buttons.....
Now are there any modes/drivers that actually use the A and RS?
Because I could just disconnect them right?
yeah if they are causing problems remove them. unless any new drivers come out, you wont need them as none for mw2 mw W@W R6V2 Halo3/ODST BF:BC 2 and L4D2 use these two buttons. im not sure about UFC


New Member
Yea I removed the RS and left the A but it still flashes for both A and RS.... I will remove the A button... Just a second.....

Thank you.