also does any 1 know what sps this is please help ? this is one of the vids i was asking about at first guys is just complaining about viking any feed back
That^^^^^^^First of all, I would really like to moderate this thread...
Secondly, this kid is a moron. its that simple, there is no sinsitivity change when using the macro controller. The macro will press buttons for you, but it will not change the effect of the buttons being pressed on the
first of all im am not an idiot also im not gonna spend ages looking and bumping an old thread when its way easy to just make a new one also if they want it closed it would be closed watch you will see my user name alot more once i recieve my macro i've already made over 17 macro's just need to test them i'm very well know on s7 and ttg so i will be well known here to wait and see
ok i thought he was talking to me and also just something for fyi if i post something dumb or out of line please remove the thread but that will probly never happen seeing i've only been posting these vids to see how you guys treat you future clients so far im very happy and that is why you guys will recieve my business in the near weeks to probly the rest of my gaming lifeNo one has called you an idiot. One person said that the person in the video, reviewing the controller, is a moron. Not you! And these allegations that the person in the video is a moron are not fully justified - but some may infer it.