Download Link?


New Member
Hey guys,

I wanted to see if anyone can provide me with a installation of the Viking Legacy Odins Raven? Please reply back as quickly as possible.
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Active Member
Tomorrow I can send you the installation schematics.....

In the meantime could you please read the rule's about how to use the forums?

This thread should have been posted in either the legacy forum or the Do-it-yourself forum.... I know V360 prides itself on keeping these forums nice and neat looking and would appreciate it if others could follow the same guide lines...

Oh yeah, one more thing; your YouTube channel doesn't even exist... You may want to delete that link in your signature...




New Member
Sorry bout' the wrong placement of the thread, but I needed the download link fast, you can move the topic if want, Thanks I'll be waiting for the Schematics.


Active Member
Its all good, I can ask people to post in the right forum because I'm not allowed to move threads since V360 switched to this new forum setup even though I'm listed as a moderator, they stripped the moderator powers from me that I had for 3 years under the old forums. I think its there way of pushing me out without having to be straight up and say it to me...About the schematics, I would give them now but I'm not at home and only have my cell phone. Tomorrow I have a court deposition all day so if no one has helped you by the time I get home then I will be happy to hook you up with the raven schematics.