Drop Shot is not working for MW3

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New Member
i bought my Pre-built ragnarok control on 1/3/12 of this year and everythings working great.but noticed that the Drop Shot is no longer working on Modern Warefare 3. i do Know its not a patch because my friends ragnarok is still working and its a Pre-built one aswell. I am wondering If i can get my controller checked out. really have been satisfied with the way the controller has been working but worried something may be wrong with the Controller.


New Member
Responce to my own thread : Found out by Setting the Controller To 3rd Player and then Turning the drop shot on it will work. I just swtiched it back to Frist player and is now working again. :]


New Member
Yes ive always had it on default but managed to player around with what Player LED it was on and now got it working again.Thanks for replying back. means alot to have reliable poeple helping out.


ModdingBros Leader
Hmmm thats odd well glad you got it all figured out! Your welcome for responding though. I dont even have a Ragnarok or any ps3 product from Viking however I figured I would give it a shot and try to help you out.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I think maybe you set it for a different button layout. Don't forget, if you change the button layout in the game options screen, you must also update the button layout in the controller by holding mod switch + holding triangle key.
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