Well I have figured the drop shot out, but it kinda works? When you do use it I have noticed that there is a slight delay when you are firing your gun. The other thing also, is that the cross hairs dissapper half the time anyways, this is a BF3 issues that has always been there since the game came out? It is good in close quraters but when you are out in open space it kinda is a disadvantge, since the maps for bf3 are very big and have alot of open space. The people that play this game alot like me know that even if you are laying down you can still get sniped with a shotty or pistol from 200 yards away, its the game I guess. I will stii try to use it but we will see. I do have one question, the quick scope how does that work and has any one got it to work for bf3? Will keep people updated, buts lets see if we the bf3 players can help each other out and try to figure what other features can work for bf3. since this controoler is really for COD players.