Duo controller connection problem


New Member
Well i just got my Duo with it , i downloaded the preset editor but i find that my computer won't detect the controller
ok i have tested the play and charge cable and it works fine , my USB port works fine too , and when plugged in the LED for No4 lights up
Someone please tell me what i'm doing wrong , i searched the forums but i didn't find anything
much appreciated


It sounds like you didn't put it into programing mode. I beleive it is hold down the right tact and put the bateries in. Try it anyways...


New Member
Ok thanks i watched the video but now i have a new problem
After importing my custom preset the controller won't go into rapid fire mode anymore bothLED3,4 won't light up... also the left trigger doesn't do anything
the only thing is that my vista just won't install the controller properly it just keeps saying that it's trying to install but nothing happens , so i put the file on a USB sticky and try to run the controller on XP(i would had made the files on the PC but sadly the preset editor just keeps giving errors, but the HIDbootloader still works) and now i'm stuck with a controller than can't shoot? -.-