Emblem Copier Glitch (ECG)!


New Member
Can we get a macro for the combination so we don't have to do it manually evey time we wanna copy an emblem?

Here's a video that explains the glitch:


would be awesome to have the combination stored in a tac switch :)



Well-Known Member
This still works! It might make you go through it a couple of times but it works! Hit the tac with the macro when you are over player channel!


  • CopyPlayerEmblems.vkm
    640 bytes · Views: 68
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New Member
Tried it but it won't work! For some reason it either takes me to the playlist or opens up my profile. Might needs a slight speed up?


Well-Known Member
Tried it but it won't work! For some reason it either takes me to the playlist or opens up my profile. Might needs a slight speed up?
Like I said it takes a little but it works! I had it working like every third try and then it went to 5 or 6! Then tried and then the second time it got it!


Well-Known Member
I just had to turn down to .75 just now and got it working again! It depends on the internet at the time! If it is taking you to the playlist it is to fast but it is close when it hits your profile! so just turn it down a little at a time and check!


Well-Known Member
OK now I turned it back up to what it was from the original speed! It is just so sensitive on internet times! Just have to keep going back and fourth til it bites! It works for sure though!


New Member
Still won't work :(. I went from .75 - 1.5 and it's all the same. I also tried bringing BBBAABA closer together, but that also didn't make any difference.


Well-Known Member
when you hit the macro do you have player channel lighted up like he shows you on video? Closer together will make it faster which if anything it needs to be slowed down!
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New Member
when you hit the macro do you have player channel lighted up like he shows you on video? Closer together will make it faster which if anything it needs to be slowed down!

Yes. I know this works but I don't know why it's not working for me. :(According to some other videos watched, BBBABA should be pressed faster than the first few buttons and that's why I thought of the idea of bringing those buttons closer together.

I'm not giving up though.
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New Member
Alright. Finally figured out why it wasn't working, at least for me. You first have to hover over BARRACKS and then press Y and select whoever emblem you wanna copy. Click on their name and the hover over their channel and press your tac. :)


Well-Known Member
Alright. Finally figured out why it wasn't working, at least for me. You first have to hover over BARRACKS and then press Y and select whoever emblem you wanna copy. Click on their name and the hover over their channel and press your tac. :)
Glad you have it working! I wouldn't change anything on the macro! It will just need to hit it a few times because everyone's different internet lag but it will fluctuate each time you do it and soon or later it will bite! If everyone follows the video to where he says to hover over player channel and hit the macro for sure you can get some cool emblems! Maybe it might take a few try's but it works!


Well-Known Member
not working for me, it just takes me to my emblems; prolly patched by now
It's not patched yet! You just have to try it several times but it works! Sometimes I do it and it takes a couple of times then it wont work for 10 min. then bits on the first try!


Good afternoon y'all.

I was just looking through some of the older post and came across this. I want to say that they patched this glitch, but in doing so they unpatched the original way of copying emblems. The original way was to have the person who's emblem you wanted to copy in your friends list. Then they have to be on the Multiplayer screen, you would then just keep joining their session and leaving until you get the error message, that is when you are able to go into your emblems and see that you copied their emblem. It takes a long time to do this one, for me it was around 5 -6 mins but I finally copied my sons emblem. Nothing great mind you but I just wanted to see if it actually worked. It does, but like I said it takes a long time and is really annoying. P.S. your friend/son gets really mad since they have to sit there and do nothing while you try this.


Well-Known Member
Right now I'm going to get into the Berserker but when I get some time if I don't forget I'll make you one to try. Plus I have to find my Black Ops 2 CD! Give it a try he tells you what to do....