Erorr codes on Button Test Code?


New Member

I recently received a few error codes on my DIY controller (Before it was working fine)

When I flash the button test code,

#3 blinks 4 times,

then #4 blinks 4 times

and it keeps on repeating,

I don't even touch any buttons.

Anyone have any suggestions?

I check for any visible short circuits, and it all looks fine.


New Member
It sounds like you have a problem with the Right thumbstick and A button. Here is a link to the "Viking Error Codes Explained" post.....This should help you debug your controller....hope this helps

Viking Error Codes

Player 4 LED flashes 4x - Right Thumbstick
Player 3 LED flashes 4x - A


Active Member
Ironman said:

I recently received a few error codes on my DIY controller (Before it was working fine)

When I flash the button test code,

#3 blinks 4 times,

then #4 blinks 4 times

and it keeps on repeating,

I don't even touch any buttons.

Anyone have any suggestions?

I check for any visible short circuits, and it all looks fine.

It should be a easy find, because they are shorted right to ground. Thats why they are going off as soon as you turn the controller on with the test code in it.
I'm just guessing but you have a "DUO" huh??? I only say that because its both the A and right stick that are shorted to ground. So you may want to check the bottom side of the board and make sure its not touching any of those solder points that are right under it....


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I believe that on the duo, the 'button a' and the 'right thumbstick' also share the "d+ and d-" lines for the USB.

In other words, you're going to receive error codes for Button A and Right Thumbstick if you are running the test code with your USB cable plugged into the controller.

Unplug the programming cable and the error codes should go away.