Evil Controller why dont you answer?


ModdingBros Leader
Hey guys I pretty much made a post on the evil controller forum made an account just for it to ask what they thought about the macro controller against there master mod and this guy actually tried saying that the master mod was better then i wrote a long thing back telling him the viking is way better and for some reason he hasnt answered? strange huh lol I did it to be a douche but i thought it was sort of funny



Active Member
Thread was deleted at evil's forum. Haha, I actually showed this thread to Einar (odingalt) and he was like "either they will edit every posts to make viking look terrible and evil above all or the thread will be gone within a day or so." Anyways they deleted the thread. Evil can't stand seeing their controllers thought as inferior to another type of controller.

A new thread was made: http://www.evilcontrollers.com/forum/showthread.php/250-Forum-ettiquette

Just look at the top: "From the Terms of Service
EvilControllers.com reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject, refuse to post or remove any
posting (including email) by you, or to restrict, suspend, or terminate your access to all or any part of the Website and/or Services at any time, within reason, with or without prior notice, and without liability. These following rules go for all parts of our site including the "main site", forums and any other page existing under the domain. We are a nice and reasonable group here, so please comply us."

Basically, Evil is saying: "we deleted the viking topic and we are now telling you we have power."
Thread was deleted at evil's forum. Haha, I actually showed this thread to Einar (odingalt) and he was like "either they will edit every posts to make viking look terrible and evil above all or the thread will be gone within a day or so." Anyways they deleted the thread. Evil can't stand seeing their controllers thought as inferior to another type of controller.

A new thread was made: http://www.evilcontrollers.com/forum/showthread.php/250-Forum-ettiquette

Just look at the top: "From the Terms of Service
EvilControllers.com reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject, refuse to post or remove any
posting (including email) by you, or to restrict, suspend, or terminate your access to all or any part of the Website and/or Services at any time, within reason, with or without prior notice, and without liability. These following rules go for all parts of our site including the "main site", forums and any other page existing under the domain. We are a nice and reasonable group here, so please comply us."

Basically, Evil is saying: "we deleted the viking topic and we are now telling you we have power."

kind like when you used to delete post on here eh?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
kind like when you used to delete post on here eh?

I resent whatever your implications may be.

We never delete posts from our competitors. There are plenty of posts on here from our competiton, including lots from Crown Mods, Voodoo and Gamer Modz.

Evil is more than welcome to come on the forums and have an intellectual showdown about the value and quality of or products. I seriously doubt they would be up to the task.

We also don't delete posts from customers with legitimate concerns with their Viking products. (Unfortunately) you can search these forums and find literally hundreds of posts from Viking customers looking for help. In fact you'll even find a few posts from people who bought Vikings and hated their experience with us

The only way we stand a chance at continuously improving our business is to allow these kinds of conversation to exist.

Now, to the point of your post - do we delete posts? Hell yes, we delete posts - because quite often, this Forums turns into a daycare center for kids. If your sole purpose in life is to come on our forums and be a troll, you're not welcome and we may delete your post or your whole thread.

If your purpose here is to conduct legitimate business with Viking or to better the community here, then there's never any need to remove your posts.

I very, very very rarely remove any posts myself. I think I have only outright deleted two posts in the two years I've had these forums. They were both on legal grounds. However I gave JETS full authority to rule with an iron fist on trolls, because frankly, I got tired of doing the babysitting. It's easier to delete a post than try to reason with a troll. I used to spend hours on here arguing with trolls, which detracts the rest of us from helping customers who really need it!
Evil is more than welcome to come on the forums and have an intellectual showdown about the value and quality of or products. I seriously doubt they would be up to the task.

Maybe becasue they know that they cant have a serious conversation on here with out kids say "ZOMG YOU GUYS SUCK VIKING IS THE BEST OF THE BESTEST!!!!111!!!1 etc etc" i all ready had hate pm's becasue i bought a evil controller befor.


New Member
A discussion between the products is healthy and only leads to better products for the consumer, but going on to another forum to bash is not. I can remember several threads from crown mods and other competitors on this forum that got a little out of hand until hazer and others chimed in. But no posts or threads where ever deleted here, only warnings about advertising from what I remember.