Hi, here is the macro you were asking for! It fires 4-6 shot bursts on the Famas (On other guns it maybe more or less depending on the fire rate, most likely to fire less though, because the FAMAS is almost the fastest fireing Assault rifle) and then it has a delay of 0.10 sec and starts shooting 4-6 shots and then stops for 0.10 sec. It repeats this all the time.
Anyway on with the macro here is a Tactile switch (Labeled Tac)version and Right Trigger(Labeled RT) version (I personally like the Right trigger of my macro)
The last macro (Labeled "Macro Set for STONE") is a macro set with the macros below. Both versions Tac Switch and RT, thier is also Rapid fire. Check below to find out how to use the macros and how to apply them to your controller:
Page 1 Red LED Colour
LT= Auto hold Breath (For Snipers)
RT= Rapid fire 8.9(for single shot weapons
LB= Nothing
LT1=Page Left
RT1=Page Right
RT2=Automatic Rifles Burst fire (This is the button you want to use for the 4-6shot burst on the Famas)
LT3=Toggle LT on/off (press this tac switch to enable the auto hold breath for sniper rifles)
RT3=Toggle RT on/off (press this tac switch to enable the Rapid fire on)
Page 2 Green LED Colour
LT= Auto hold Breath (For Snipers)
RT= Automatic Rifles Burst fire (This is the button you want to use for the 4-6shot burst on the Famas)
LB= Nothing
LT1=Page Left
RT1=Page Right
LT3=Toggle LT on/off (press this tac switch to enable the auto hold breath for sniper rifles)
RT3=Toggle RT on/off (press the Right trigger to enable the Automatic Rifles Burst fire )
Just incase you dont know how to use the Viking software (please dont be offended if you do know how to use the viking software, just trying to help out
Tutorial on applying the macro set(Macro se for STONE.vks)
1) Double Click on the Viking software.
2) Once loaded look to the top right hand corner.
3) Click on the yellow folder.
4) Find the macro set you have downloaded.
5) And double click on the Macro set (Names should then appear in the RT and LT spaces etc.
6) Put you controller into programming mode (hold down the start button on your controller when it is turned off).
7) Plug in your play and charge kit into the back of you controller.
8) Then plug the other side of the play and charge kit into a USB port on your PC.
9) Go back to your Viking software.
10) Click on the controller to the bottom right hand corner (The controller with the arrows pointing towards the controller).
11) A screen saying synchronising your Macros to your controller.
12) Once that screen has disappeared, your good to remove the plug and charge kit for your controller and PC.
13) It might ask you to save before you can close the Viking software and switch off your PC. You do this by clicking on the floppy disk top right hand corner (It’s the furthest to the right its pinkie red).
Thanks Chris(aka a Spec Of Fluff)
[attachment=1:2iihojg8]Automatic Burst Fire (Tac Switch).vkm[/attachment:2iihojg8][attachment=2:2iihojg8]Automatic Burst Fire (RT).vkm[/attachment:2iihojg8][attachment=0:2iihojg8]Macro Set for STONE.vks[/attachment:2iihojg8]