Fast reload?


New Member
I just received my PS3 programmable Ragnarok. When I use fast reload I get a half reloading animation, but nothing gets reloaded. Am I doing something wrong?


Ah sorry dude dont play those games, wish i could've helped out. But theres a bunch of peeps in here that will help you out?

xKiLLa CaM

Useful Poster
I'm playing WaW and MW3. Am I suppose to be doing something after I hit the reload button?

The fast reloads should work on WaW, you just have to have the right number for the delay of each gun you're using. Each gun has a different reload delay, you'll have to test some numbers out until you get it perfect. With the fast reloads it's all trial and error. What the controller does is when you press reload, it waits the amount of time you set as the delay (it's not in seconds or anything though) and then it automatically does the button combo Triangle, Triangle very fast which brings you back to your weapon but skips the rest of your reloading animation so you can shoot faster. Now this was the old method/glitch in the first call of duty games since CoD4. In Mw3, they have patched that method and the new method is the semtex method where you must be holding semtex and instead of your controller pressing Triangle twice for you, the button combo is R2 or throw primary/semtex, and then Triangle. I am not sure that the PS3 Ragnarok supports the method for MW3 yet though, I want to say that it does not but it might in a future update.