fast reloads?

a Spec Of fluff

New Member
Hi guys sorry but iam deleting all macros added i only tested them combat training and private match, and their seems to be differences in reload times i will be uploading 1 by one again to day

a Spec Of fluff

New Member
Right all macros have been re-sent for upload and hopefully be back up tonight ( To say sorry iam currently working on SoH for all guns expect Secondarys and shotguns)

a Spec Of fluff

New Member
Right Guys and girls, thats all Macros None Sleight of Hand and with Sleight of Hand completed(Except Secondarys and shotguns). Please rate them and send me a PM if any of the macros start to become buggy or stop working, thanks for your pactience with these macro the only guns etc that arent working are listed below plus a reason:

Python (pistol - Reason : the reload times are different depending on if you click X to reload straight after you fire a shot or fire 5 shots and the hit X)
Crossbow (Specials - Reason :the is a reload glitch but it is so small (0.015s) by the time the macro has completed it turns out slower a slower reload time)
Ballistic knife (Specials - Reason :it only has a clip size of 1 i tried assigning the macro to RT (right trigger) so it double tapped y but it cancels the reload)
All Shotguns (Shotguns - Reaon :is that it loads every bullet individually)
Mac 11 (Submachinegun - Reason :is the reload is so percise(Basically their is no animation to be interupted)

Chris (aka a Spec Of Fluff)

p.s. i have PM'ed Odin to upload as soon as possible (Recomendation is to delete all previously downloaded Fast reload macro's - just to stop you uploading the old one to your controller again and having the same problem - don't forget to PM if any thing stops working or if you need a Macro set Making, If you do need a Macro set making please list the guns you want adding and what button you want them assigning to. If you want help with making a Macro set note i can put Rapid fire jitter etc on for you as well)


New Member
wow good work

I don't have my Viking yet but when it arrives i will use them for sure...

I have some ideas as well if you want to do more reload stuff....

You should do a fast reload for flamethrower/noob tube (if it works)

If you do a python you should do it for the fast reloader...

a Spec Of fluff

New Member
Hi mate python fast reload - thier is fast reload but you load bullets individually, so say if i create a macro for the python and it has a delay of a 1sec (before it activates the reload glitch) and you have shot 2 bullets and use the fast reload macro, but next time u miss ur first shotand you fire 3 shots the delay might be 1.7sec this is a longer macro, but because i have created the macro for 1sec it wont work (having said that it would still reload to bullets you would just be missing the 3rd bullet)

As for the noobtube/flamthrower i dont know, but i some how doubt it, but i will look into it for you, sometime next week


New Member
Hey spec, just wanted to say thanks for the hard work. I added your fast reload for FAL to my controller config and have been loving it.