Fastest A Button Mod?


New Member
I'm relatively new to trying to create mods myself as I usually just download them, but I'm trying to create a mod that taps the A, B,Y, X, buttons as fast as possible. It's for WWE '13 and I have no idea if there is threshold on how fast it can be before you get locked, but I just would like to know how to make the fastest one possible and test it from there. I watched the tutorial and tried myself and after a lot of trial and error my mod still sucks. Any help on where to start would be appreciated.


ModdingBros Leader
Well to start off something you should know is the closest to the left the quicker your macro will execute also the closer you put the buttons together the quicker your macro happens and then loops. Then you also have the gear settings to help increase it too, hopefully that gives you something to work on.


Try this - ( )


If it doesn't work, lower the speed multiplier. Change the loop settings to your preference.

Hopefully someone else can verify if it actually works because my controller is currently broken.


  • {BETA} Rapid-A.vkm
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