Faulty Controller


New Member
Alright, I bought an Odins Raven, Black case, Red light, and a 3.5mm programming port. So Viking gives me a waste of 220+ dollars, they don't give me the cable, which I know they do, but on top of that, the sync button doesn't work! So I can't program it even If I wanted to! :evil: :x So I submit the problem ticket things (I don't Remember what they're called) and still after 2 months or so, STILL NO REPLY -________-" .

Im getting really angry here! :x :evil: :cry:

So, is there a second way to get the controller into bootloader mode ?


Um... The odins ravin doesn't need the sync button to go into programing mode. It uses the right tac. If the sync really was broken when you bought it, you still need to do a support ticket. If the sync will sync the controller to your xbox, it's not broken. That's all it's suposed to do, it's unmodified on a raven.


New Member
AnAngryUser said:
Alright, I bought an Odins Raven, Black case, Red light, and a 3.5mm programming port. So Viking gives me a waste of 220+ dollars, they don't give me the cable, which I know they do, but on top of that, the sync button doesn't work! So I can't program it even If I wanted to! :evil: :x So I submit the problem ticket things (I don't Remember what they're called) and still after 2 months or so, STILL NO REPLY -________-" .

Im getting really angry here! :x :evil: :cry:

So, is there a second way to get the controller into bootloader mode ?

So let me get this straight. You have a raven with 3.5mm jack and you are trying to use the sync button to put it into bootloader mode. So you pushed the heck out of it with your finger/pencil/screwdriver ect and haven't sucessfully programmed it in 2 months and this is your first post about it? I call BS. The proper way to put the raven into bootloader mode is to.....With the controller off (and connected to your PC) hold down the right tact and power on the controller. The #1 and #2 leds should be lit, indicating boot loader mode. But since you say you have no 3.5 to usb cable, these instructions won't be much of a help.

modded matt

Active Member
I second the bullshit call. this guy is obviously a bit short in the intelegence bracket. the oden raven doesnt use the sinc button. That is why you did not get a responce from your ticket. whoever read it was like "look heres another dumbass." at least thats what I would have said and then had a nice laugh!!!!

Ok, in the intrest of viking, Ill make a deal with you, confess to being a dumbass and breaking the sinc button by jambing it in trying to get it into programing mode cause you could not read instructions, and I will fix it for you no charge. just pay postage.

Or you can now pay to send it in to viking or fredrow to be fixed, because the viking waranty dosnt cover stupidity.


New Member
modded matt said:
I second the poop call. this guy is obviously a bit short in the intelegence bracket. the oden raven doesnt use the sinc button. That is why you did not get a responce from your ticket. whoever read it was like "look heres another dumbass." at least thats what I would have said and then had a nice laugh!!!!

Ok, in the intrest of viking, Ill make a deal with you, confess to being a dumbass and breaking the sinc button by jambing it in trying to get it into programing mode cause you could not read instructions, and I will fix it for you no charge. just pay postage.

Or you can now pay to send it in to viking or fredrow to be fixed, because the viking waranty dosnt cover stupidity.

Well put Matt! I think that kid needs to say "I'm a dumbass" and really MEAN IT before you fix it.

"So I submit the problem ticket things (I don't Remember what they're called)" :roll: Problem ticket things

Also, whoever this person is with the "Faulty controller", you waited 2 months to own yourself in 2 minutes. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
If this is the same customer I am thinking of, we're still waiting for the customer to ship back the controller so we can perform the diagnosis. It does't sound like something our install team would mess up (sync button jam on fresh install?). It sounds more like sharp object/pen rammed in, or customer opened controller (to poke around out of curiosity or to attempt a shell swap - oh no look how many wires there are, I better close the shell). In either case it's pretty easy to identify customer tampering from pinched wires/tool marks/broken bumpers or broken tactile switches. Will try to remember to update this post if we ever get the controller back at the shop.

Don't worry, if it's a legit problem under warranty caused by a faulty install by our team or a defective controller from microsoft, we're on the job - we'll fix it as quickly as we can and get it back to the customer!