few questions


New Member
I am Looking to order a Viking soon but I have a few questions.   I would like to know if the sliver controller has the new style D-pad. It looks like it but I am not sure.  Also if I order one can I have the PS3 thumb sticks installed. I know you guys don't do custom controllers, but I don't think that is too custom, after all you already have the controller open and they just drop in.  I have installed them on my controller and I love them. I just don't like the ideal of opening a new viking controller with all the extra stuff inside and voiding my warranty.   


Active Member
Yes on the silver one new dpad but buy fps freeks the legendary version is like the ps3 one no ps3 installs if you attempt you'll void your warranty and be out of luck.


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New Member
have to honest here guys, the fps freaks look very lame. I am kind of surprised that they would be recommended. By my research the Viking mod apparels have to be the best mod for the xbox controller, and I am very surprised by the lack of options. I am by no means a marketing expert, but I believe you guys are missing I out on some very easy opportunities to charge more for your controllers. I like my PS3 style thumb sticks so much that it may be a determining factor for my moded controller choice.


Active Member
Bdavid said:
have to honest here guys, the fps freaks look very lame. I am kind of surprised that they would be recommended. By my research the Viking mod apparels have to be the best mod for the xbox controller, and I am very surprised by the lack of options. I am by no means a marketing expert, but I believe you guys are missing I out on some very easy opportunities to charge more for your controllers. I like my PS3 style thumb sticks so much that it may be a determining factor for my moded controller choice.

Believe me, they know. They don't fit well in the controller and it creates problems. More returns = money lost. FPS Freeks are absolutely amazing. I can't play without them. Buy the hoop kind if you'd like, those are also good.

Why do you even like PS3 sticks? The design creates a problem by itself, the convexity of it pushes your thumbs off of them by default. Concave > Convex, the concave of the xbox 360 sticks allows your thumbs to stay in them very well in my opinion.


New Member
Well I don’t have PS3 sticks, I have Evil Sticks on my controller now. I did not want to upset or step on any toes by saying “Evil” lol. I have just become so use to them when I pick up a normal Xbox controller now it just doesn’t feel right


New Member
Well just found this on IGN about the new xbox controller. “The thumbsticks have also been tweaked and feature a more significantly indented center, making it easier to depress either inward. While previous iterations have used concave thumbsticks, the newest variation has a distinct center pivot and a sharper edge along the rim.” might have to try it out and see if this new thumb stick would work for me.