Finally Got a Macro!

xKiLLa CaM

Useful Poster
Pumped about my new black macro. I have NO IDEA how to use this thing or how to use the software so I'll have to check out the tutorial videos that are online. No idea how the pages and all that work. All I did was update the firmware and checked out the software and the timeline editor. Just so used to the Ragnarok by now, it's gonna be weird lol. I'm going to try to learn how to make my own macros instead of using the ones that are in the library.


ModdingBros Leader
These things are great. If you need any help or anything dont be afraid to ask me. Im pretty confident in doing things with the macro.

xKiLLa CaM

Useful Poster
Ok, I don't wanna be that guy asking a million questions (already did that with the Ragnarok in the beginning, now I know how to do just about anything with it). Once I watch the tutorial videos and follow along with them (odin posted them on his youtube account) I think I'll have a better understanding. I was trying to figure out how to customize the LEDs and change the colors of them but I assume each page has it's own color so you know what page you're on (which is why the dots at the top of the screen are all colored)? Correct me if I'm wrong but that's what I assumed, I'm sure odin explains it in his videos. I updated my firmware and know how to connect but there were a few advanced tutorials on the software I havent watched yet.
Congrats man!!

Yes the colored buttons at the top of the screen show you what page your on. Also, I would not put some of the very simliar colorerd pages close together (ie yellow and gold) unless you have fresh batteries. Once the batteries start to die down they colors can blend together some.