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New Member
i currently just got back onto the site and noticed i forgot to update the firmware, now everytime i open up the firmware updater and set my controller on sync mode it ALWAYS says "not responding"

i have tried everything.... restarting my computer, deleting and reinstalling, running as admin, but nothing, so if you could just please help me. thanks. :(


Active Member
brennan said:
okay, will do.

I'm free now, so I actually can do TeamViewer help now.

I'll extend my hours until 9:30 EST U.S. So if you need help now, I can, or just set one up for later if you'd like.


Active Member
brennan said:
okay so how do i set one up?

First, download and install Teamviewer. It is free. You will be using it for private usage.

Second, open up Teamviewer. Check the ID. Copy the ID.

Third, send me, NYjetsNY1, a Private Message. In the Private Message, as the subject, write: Teamviewer.

Fourth, in the body of the Private Message, post your ID and a time (Weekdays only, Mon-Fri EST hours from 3 P.M. EST to 7 P.M. EST) and a date of when you would like me to help you with the software, creating macros, problems, or just to answer questions via Teamviewer.

Fifth, 15 minutes before your scheduled Teamviewer appointment time with me, please open up Teamviewer. Make sure not to close it. Copy the password.

Sixth, Private Message NYjetsNY1, me, with Teamviewer 2 as the subject. In the body, post your password (to Teamviewer)


I was told my Odin that no matter what, when you go to update your firmware. make sure the Viking Macro Software is closed. If you don't, its alll bad.


Active Member
JLIT said:
I was told my Odin that no matter what, when you go to update your firmware. make sure the Viking Macro Software is closed. If you don't, its alll bad.

Yes this is true. Thanks for mentioning this. I think he figured it out though as he hasn't reposted.


New Member
help me please, im really confused....

okay so i have Thors hammer and when i try to use the software it never works, help?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Re: help me please, im really confused....

Per the top of The Viking macro software page...

"Looking for updates for your Tyr’s Hand, Thor’s Hammer, or Odin’s Raven? You’re in the wrong place. Visit the Legacy Drivers page instead"


Well-Known Member
Staff member
He has a Thor's Hammer. He ignored the GIANT POST on The Viking Software page that says this:

"Looking for updates for your Tyr’s Hand, Thor’s Hammer, or Odin’s Raven? You’re in the wrong place. Visit the Legacy Drivers page instead"

Topic locked. Thanks for wasting our time.
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