

New Member
Hey i was just wondering what type of flux is good for the traces, where can you get it? could someonegive me a link for this. Thx.


New Member
thejld said:
Hey i was just wondering what type of flux is good for the traces, where can you get it? could someonegive me a link for this. Thx.

Rosin Soldering Paste. I got mine at radioshack a long time ago, stuff lasts forever.

modded matt

Active Member
any flux will work, howver, if you have not exposed the copper, flux wont help. when soldering to vias or traces you must scrape it down to the copper. too much flux leaves the PCB sitcky.


New Member
k what should i put the solder on the board with, like abrush,? and what are the steps for soldering to thetraces? thx


Useful Poster
I usually put flux on witha toothpick, and for traces you can either use the holes or traces and you scrape them down to the copper, then apply flux and tin the trace so it is silver and then solder the wire

modded matt

Active Member
yea, what he said....now let me tell you this is a real pain in the butt.. you are going to get frustrated, and you may destroy the controller in this process, but its the only way you will learn is by doing it.

1. scrape trace or via hole down to copper.
2. apply a small amount of flux, tooth pic is a fine idea
3. prep jumper wire (pre bend it, strip and tim each end, you dont want to move it once its soldered to the trace)
4. solder each end of jumper wire to each end of the cut trace.
5. test


New Member
what ever you do, make sure not to buy acidic flux. (mainly used for soldering copper pipe) if you do, it will kill the traces when you solder to them!