once it is properly installed wont fall off unless you open the controller, then its posible, but not likely. As for wires I believe there are about 14 of them. Good luck, let me know if I can help.
just curious... does the mod chip stay held good inside the controller.. if you dropped it once or twice? i thought i saw somewhere a while ago that the macro chip fits perfectly inside the controller and there is not much soldering to do. my controller still works perfectly proudly had it for 3 years( or whenever i pre-ordered it when first coming out) the question just always lingered in my mind of, what happens if something goes wrong with my controller (not voiding warranty) can i get it repaired.
If you bought from us yes. And as of late, I've been telling the shop to go ahead and quote non-warranty repairs even if you bought your controller from a third party (Against my better judgement) but if we start having lots of problems again I might reverse that decision again. We are trying to be the nicer friendlier shop, and that usually works for awhile, until a few bad apples try to ruin it for everybody.