Android lovers everywhere on verizon wireless unite!
Original Droid - Unlocked Bootloader.
All phones since then on VZW (good android phones) - locked (some with "efuse")
Galaxy Nexus - Fully Unlockable, and Google phone.
-Fastest updates
-Unlocked Bootloader (Can you say kernels?)
I for one buy / sell phones as a small little hobby on ebay (buy droids cheap, sell for more).
Nothing really interested me since I'm stuck on VZW - until now. Can't wait for you Gnex baby, you'll be mine tomorrow!
Original Droid - Unlocked Bootloader.
All phones since then on VZW (good android phones) - locked (some with "efuse")
Galaxy Nexus - Fully Unlockable, and Google phone.
-Fastest updates
-Unlocked Bootloader (Can you say kernels?)
I for one buy / sell phones as a small little hobby on ebay (buy droids cheap, sell for more).
Nothing really interested me since I'm stuck on VZW - until now. Can't wait for you Gnex baby, you'll be mine tomorrow!