Galaxy Nexus - Verizon Wireless LTE


Active Member
Android lovers everywhere on verizon wireless unite!

Original Droid - Unlocked Bootloader.

All phones since then on VZW (good android phones) - locked (some with "efuse")

Galaxy Nexus - Fully Unlockable, and Google phone.

-Fastest updates
-Unlocked Bootloader (Can you say kernels?)

I for one buy / sell phones as a small little hobby on ebay (buy droids cheap, sell for more).

Nothing really interested me since I'm stuck on VZW - until now. Can't wait for you Gnex baby, you'll be mine tomorrow!


ModdingBros Leader
Android lovers everywhere on verizon wireless unite!

Original Droid - Unlocked Bootloader.

All phones since then on VZW (good android phones) - locked (some with "efuse")

Galaxy Nexus - Fully Unlockable, and Google phone.

-Fastest updates
-Unlocked Bootloader (Can you say kernels?)

I for one buy / sell phones as a small little hobby on ebay (buy droids cheap, sell for more).

Nothing really interested me since I'm stuck on VZW - until now. Can't wait for you Gnex baby, you'll be mine tomorrow!

Ive always wanted a phone in the nexus series. I love the feel of straight android its amazing. I rooted my evo just to flash stock android. I can wait till Christmas Im getting the Asus Transformer Prime. That thing is amazing, the first quad core tablet. Cant wait!!!!


New Member
The only phones that have a locked bootloader on VZW are Motorola's phones. But ya I may be getting this beast too. I like both Apple and Android and currently use an iPhone 4 but this phone has been tempting me since its announcement months ago!


Active Member
Not true. Most VZW phones are locked, and the only ones that aren't are either a. bad or b. no good developers


New Member
Well I have the Galaxy Nexus. Not gonna lie, I am hugely disappointed in it. The screen is great, but the build quality, speaker, battery life, and camera are sub par in my opinion. Now the speed of the camera is fantastic, but it seems to be very hit and miss in terms in quality of pictures. I will be going back to my iPhone 4 and waiting for the next best thing to come out.


New Member
I wouldnt say its a "bad" phone by any means. Definitely overhyped though. The HTC Rezound is better all around spec wise, the only thing it doesnt have is ICS which it will get eventually.


New Member
Ya I like modding my phones too, and have modded every phone I have since the BB Pearl way back. Modding is great but if the hardware doesnt impress me I wont keep a phone ya know? I loved the screen and the speed of the camera though. Android 4.0 is definitely a step in the right direction. I use my phone for work and my photography business and having a phone that needs to constantly be by power to get me through the day wont cut it for me.


Active Member
Just got mine.

Within 5 minutes:
-Unlocked the bootloader
-Custom recovery
-Custom Kernel


Active Member
Dang your fast man. Was it an easy root or is it all through terminal? How do you like it so far?

I used terminal. Love having that kind of control.

So far I love it. I'm obsessed lol. I back it up every so often, and change up my softkeys too. I'm on to 4 green soft keys at the moment lol.


New Member
Just wait until the new radio comes out for it, than the phone may actually hold a signal lol. I will probably pick it up again after the holidays and once everything is ironed out. I liked most about it except for the fact the battery is a joke and the radio is terrible in it right now. But google knows about these issues and have already addressed them which is good.


ModdingBros Leader
Awhile ago I had a HTC hero and updated the radio but had no clue what I was doing so when it went to restart it turned black for about 20 seconds, I freaked out and pulled the battery. I bricked it by doing that so I then bought the HTC Evo man did I love that thing. From there I got the Iphone 4 and its alright although just recently I cracked the screen on it pretty bad so im probably going to replace it soon.


Active Member
Just wait until the new radio comes out for it, than the phone may actually hold a signal lol. I will probably pick it up again after the holidays and once everything is ironed out. I liked most about it except for the fact the battery is a joke and the radio is terrible in it right now. But google knows about these issues and have already addressed them which is good.

I turned 4G off. Honestly, that adds like 8+ hours to my battery lol. The radio is fine for me, I get good signals and fast speeds even on 3G. If I need 4G, I'll turn it on.